2017-06-24 21:46:55 +01:00

93 lines
3 KiB

namespace Tests\Unit;
use App\Events\SongLikeToggled;
use App\Models\Interaction;
use App\Models\Song;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Tests\TestCase;
class InteractionTest extends TestCase
/** @test */
public function it_can_be_instantiated()
$this->assertInstanceOf(Interaction::class, new Interaction());
/** @test */
public function it_increases_a_songs_play_count()
// Given an interaction
/** @var Interaction $interaction */
$interaction = factory(Interaction::class)->create();
// When I call the method to increases the song's play count
Interaction::increasePlayCount($interaction->song, $interaction->user);
// Then I see the play count is increased
/** @var Interaction $interaction */
$updatedInteraction = Interaction::find($interaction->id);
$this->assertEquals($interaction->play_count + 1, $updatedInteraction->play_count);
/** @test */
public function it_toggles_like_status()
// Given an interaction
$interaction = factory(Interaction::class)->create();
// When I call the method to toggle the song's like status by user
Interaction::toggleLike($interaction->song, $interaction->user);
// Then I see the interaction's like status is toggled
/** @var Interaction $interaction */
$updatedInteraction = Interaction::find($interaction->id);
$this->assertNotSame($interaction->liked, $updatedInteraction->liked);
/** @test */
public function user_can_like_multiple_songs_at_once()
// Given multiple song and a user
/** @var Collection $songs */
$songs = factory(Song::class, 2)->create();
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
// When I call the method to like songs in batch
Interaction::batchLike($songs->pluck('id')->all(), $user);
// Then I see the songs are all liked
$songs->each(function (Song $song) use ($user) {
$this->assertTrue(Interaction::whereSongIdAndUserId($song->id, $user->id)->first()->liked);
/** @test */
public function user_can_unlike_multiple_songs_at_once()
// Given multiple interaction records
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
/** @var Collection $interactions */
$interactions = factory(Interaction::class, 3)->create([
'user_id' => $user->id,
'liked' => true,
// When I call the method to like songs in batch
Interaction::batchUnlike($interactions->pluck('song.id')->all(), $user);
// Then I see the songs are all liked
$interactions->each(function (Interaction $interaction) {