2016-11-24 00:47:10 +08:00

31 lines
945 B

namespace E2E;
class DefaultsTest extends TestCase
public function testDefaults()
static::assertContains('Koel', $this->driver->getTitle());
$formSelector = '#app > div.login-wrapper > form';
// Our login form should be there.
static::assertCount(1, $this->els($formSelector));
// We submit rubbish and expect an error class on the form.
$this->login('foo@bar.com', 'ThisIsWongOnSoManyLevels')
// Now we submit good stuff and make sure we're in.
->seeText('Koel Admin', '#userBadge > a.view-profile.control > span');
// Default URL must be Home
static::assertEquals($this->url.'/#!/home', $this->driver->getCurrentURL());
// While we're at this, test logging out as well.
$this->click('#userBadge > a.logout');