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namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Console\Commands\Concerns\AskForPassword;
use App\Exceptions\InstallationFailedException;
use App\Models\Setting;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Process;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Jackiedo\DotenvEditor\DotenvEditor;
use Throwable;
class InitCommand extends Command
use AskForPassword;
private const DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME = 'Koel';
private const DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL = 'admin@koel.dev';
private const DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'KoelIsCool';
protected $signature = 'koel:init {--no-assets : Do not compile front-end assets}';
protected $description = 'Install or upgrade Koel';
private bool $adminSeeded = false;
public function __construct(private readonly DotenvEditor $dotenvEditor)
public function handle(): int
'As a reminder, you can always install/upgrade manually following the guide at '
. config('koel.misc.docs_url')
if ($this->inNoInteractionMode()) {
$this->components->info('Running in no-interaction mode');
try {
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->components->error("Oops! Koel installation or upgrade didn't finish successfully.");
$this->components->error('Please check the error log at storage/logs/laravel.log and try again.');
$this->components->error('For further troubleshooting, visit https://docs.koel.dev/troubleshooting.');
$this->components->error('😥 Sorry for this. You deserve better.');
return self::FAILURE;
$this->output->success('All done!');
$this->info('Koel can now be run from localhost with `php artisan serve`.');
if ($this->adminSeeded) {
sprintf('Log in with email %s and password %s', self::DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL, self::DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD)
if (!Setting::get('media_path')) {
$this->info('You can set up the storage with `php artisan koel:storage`.');
$this->info('Again, visit 📙 ' . config('koel.misc.docs_url') . ' for more tips and tweaks.');
"Feeling generous and want to support Koels development? Check out "
. config('koel.misc.sponsor_github_url')
. ' 🤗'
$this->info('Thanks for using Koel. You rock! 🤘');
return self::SUCCESS;
private function clearCaches(): void
$this->components->task('Clearing caches', static function (): void {
Artisan::call('config:clear', ['--quiet' => true]);
Artisan::call('cache:clear', ['--quiet' => true]);
private function loadEnvFile(): void
if (!File::exists(base_path('.env'))) {
$this->components->task('Copying .env file', static function (): void {
File::copy(base_path('.env.example'), base_path('.env'));
} else {
$this->components->task('.env file exists -- skipping');
private function maybeGenerateAppKey(): void
$key = $this->laravel['config']['app.key'];
$this->components->task($key ? 'Retrieving app key' : 'Generating app key', function () use (&$key): void {
if (!$key) {
// Generate the key manually to prevent some clashes with `php artisan key:generate`
$key = $this->generateRandomKey();
$this->dotenvEditor->setKey('APP_KEY', $key);
$this->laravel['config']['app.key'] = $key;
$this->components->task('Using app key: ' . Str::limit($key, 16));
* Prompt user for valid database credentials and set up the database.
private function setUpDatabase(): void
$config = [
'DB_HOST' => '',
'DB_PORT' => '',
'DB_USERNAME' => '',
'DB_PASSWORD' => '',
$config['DB_CONNECTION'] = $this->choice(
'Your DB driver of choice',
'mysql' => 'MySQL/MariaDB',
'pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL',
'sqlsrv' => 'SQL Server',
'sqlite-e2e' => 'SQLite',
if ($config['DB_CONNECTION'] === 'sqlite-e2e') {
$config['DB_DATABASE'] = $this->ask('Absolute path to the DB file');
} else {
$config['DB_HOST'] = $this->anticipate('DB host', ['', 'localhost']);
$config['DB_PORT'] = (string) $this->ask('DB port (leave empty for default)');
$config['DB_DATABASE'] = $this->anticipate('DB name', ['koel']);
$config['DB_USERNAME'] = $this->anticipate('DB user', ['koel']);
$config['DB_PASSWORD'] = (string) $this->ask('DB password');
// Set the config so that the next DB attempt uses refreshed credentials
'database.default' => $config['DB_CONNECTION'],
"database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.host" => $config['DB_HOST'],
"database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.port" => $config['DB_PORT'],
"database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.database" => $config['DB_DATABASE'],
"database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.username" => $config['DB_USERNAME'],
"database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.password" => $config['DB_PASSWORD'],
private function inNoInteractionMode(): bool
return (bool) $this->option('no-interaction');
private function inNoAssetsMode(): bool
return (bool) $this->option('no-assets');
private function setUpAdminAccount(): void
$this->components->task('Creating default admin account', function (): void {
'name' => self::DEFAULT_ADMIN_NAME,
'email' => self::DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL,
'password' => Hash::make(self::DEFAULT_ADMIN_PASSWORD),
'is_admin' => true,
$this->adminSeeded = true;
private function maybeSeedDatabase(): void
if (!User::query()->count()) {
$this->components->task('Seeding data', static function (): void {
Artisan::call('db:seed', ['--force' => true, '--quiet' => true]);
} else {
$this->components->task('Data already seeded -- skipping');
private function maybeSetUpDatabase(): void
$attempt = 0;
while (true) {
// In non-interactive mode, we must not endlessly attempt to connect.
// Doing so will just end up with a huge amount of "failed to connect" logs.
// We do retry a little, though, just in case there's some kind of temporary failure.
if ($this->inNoInteractionMode() && $attempt >= self::NON_INTERACTION_MAX_DATABASE_ATTEMPT_COUNT) {
$this->components->error('Maximum database connection attempts reached. Giving up.');
try {
// Make sure the config cache is cleared before another attempt.
Artisan::call('config:clear', ['--quiet' => true]);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
// We only try to update credentials if running in interactive mode.
// Otherwise, we require admin intervention to fix them.
// This avoids inadvertently wiping credentials if there's a connection failure.
if ($this->inNoInteractionMode()) {
$warning = sprintf(
"Cannot connect to the database. Attempt: %d/%d",
} else {
$this->components->warn("Cannot connect to the database. Let's set it up.");
private function migrateDatabase(): void
$this->components->task('Migrating database', static function (): void {
Artisan::call('migrate', ['--force' => true, '--quiet' => true]);
private function maybeSetMediaPath(): void
if (Setting::get('media_path')) {
if ($this->inNoInteractionMode()) {
$this->info('The absolute path to your media directory. You can leave it blank and set it later via the web interface.'); // @phpcs-ignore-line
$this->info('If you plan to use Koel with a cloud provider (S3 or Dropbox), you can also skip this.');
while (true) {
$path = $this->ask('Media path', config('koel.media_path'));
if (!$path) {
if (self::isValidMediaPath($path)) {
Setting::set('media_path', $path);
$this->components->error('The path does not exist or not readable. Try again?');
private function maybeCompileFrontEndAssets(): void
if ($this->inNoAssetsMode()) {
$this->components->info('Now to front-end stuff');
$this->components->info('Installing npm dependencies');
self::runOkOrThrow('yarn install --colors');
$this->components->info('Compiling assets');
self::runOkOrThrow('yarn run --colors build');
private static function runOkOrThrow(string $command): void
throw_unless(Process::forever()->run($command)->successful(), InstallationFailedException::class);
private function setMediaPathFromEnvFile(): void
$path = config('koel.media_path');
if (!$path) {
if (self::isValidMediaPath($path)) {
Setting::set('media_path', $path);
} else {
$this->components->warn(sprintf('The path %s does not exist or not readable. Skipping.', $path));
private static function isValidMediaPath(string $path): bool
return File::isDirectory($path) && File::isReadable($path);
private function generateRandomKey(): string
return 'base64:' . base64_encode(Encrypter::generateKey($this->laravel['config']['app.cipher']));
private function tryInstallingScheduler(): void
if (PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows' || PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Unknown') {
$this->components->info('Trying to install Koel scheduler…');
if (Artisan::call('koel:scheduler:install') !== self::SUCCESS) {
'Failed to install scheduler. ' .
'Please install manually: https://docs.koel.dev/cli-commands#command-scheduling'
} else {
$this->components->info('Koel scheduler installed successfully.');