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namespace App\Models;
use App\Builders\SongBuilder;
use App\Casts\Podcast\EpisodeMetadataCast;
use App\Casts\SongLyricsCast;
use App\Casts\SongStorageCast;
use App\Casts\SongTitleCast;
use App\Enums\PlayableType;
use App\Enums\SongStorageType;
use App\Models\Concerns\SupportsDeleteWhereValueNotIn;
use App\Values\SongStorageMetadata\DropboxMetadata;
use App\Values\SongStorageMetadata\LocalMetadata;
use App\Values\SongStorageMetadata\S3CompatibleMetadata;
use App\Values\SongStorageMetadata\S3LambdaMetadata;
use App\Values\SongStorageMetadata\SftpMetadata;
use App\Values\SongStorageMetadata\SongStorageMetadata;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;
use PhanAn\Poddle\Values\EpisodeMetadata;
use Throwable;
* @property string $path
* @property string $title
* @property ?Album $album
* @property User $uploader
* @property ?Artist $artist
* @property ?Artist $album_artist
* @property float $length
* @property string $lyrics
* @property int $track
* @property int $disc
* @property int $album_id
* @property int|null $year
* @property string $genre
* @property string $id
* @property int $artist_id
* @property int $mtime
* @property ?bool $liked Whether the song is liked by the current user (dynamically calculated)
* @property ?int $play_count The number of times the song has been played by the current user (dynamically calculated)
* @property Carbon $created_at
* @property int $owner_id
* @property bool $is_public
* @property User $owner
* @property-read SongStorageMetadata $storage_metadata
* @property SongStorageType $storage
* // The following are only available for collaborative playlists
* @property-read ?string $collaborator_email The email of the user who added the song to the playlist
* @property-read ?string $collaborator_name The name of the user who added the song to the playlist
* @property-read ?string $collaborator_avatar The avatar of the user who added the song to the playlist
* @property-read ?int $collaborator_id The ID of the user who added the song to the playlist
* @property-read ?string $added_at The date the song was added to the playlist
* @property-read PlayableType $type
* // Podcast episode properties
* @property ?EpisodeMetadata $episode_metadata
* @property ?string $episode_guid
* @property ?string $podcast_id
* @property ?Podcast $podcast
class Song extends Model
use HasFactory;
use Searchable;
use SupportsDeleteWhereValueNotIn;
public const ID_REGEX = '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}';
public $incrementing = false;
protected $guarded = [];
protected $hidden = ['updated_at', 'path', 'mtime'];
protected $casts = [
'title' => SongTitleCast::class,
'lyrics' => SongLyricsCast::class,
'length' => 'float',
'mtime' => 'int',
'track' => 'int',
'disc' => 'int',
'is_public' => 'bool',
'storage' => SongStorageCast::class,
'episode_metadata' => EpisodeMetadataCast::class,
protected $with = ['album', 'artist', 'podcast'];
protected $keyType = 'string';
protected static function booted(): void
static::creating(static fn (Song $song) => $song->id ??= Str::uuid()->toString());
public static function query(?PlayableType $type = null, ?User $user = null): SongBuilder
return parent::query()
->when($type, static fn (Builder $query) => match ($type) { // @phpstan-ignore-line phpcs:ignore
PlayableType::SONG => $query->whereNull('songs.podcast_id'),
PlayableType::PODCAST_EPISODE => $query->whereNotNull('songs.podcast_id'),
default => $query,
->when($user, static fn (SongBuilder $query) => $query->forUser($user)); // @phpstan-ignore-line
public function owner(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
public function newEloquentBuilder($query): SongBuilder
return new SongBuilder($query);
public function artist(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Artist::class);
public function album(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Album::class);
protected function albumArtist(): Attribute
return Attribute::get(fn () => $this->album?->artist);
public function podcast(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(Podcast::class);
public function playlists(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(Playlist::class);
public function interactions(): HasMany
return $this->hasMany(Interaction::class);
protected function type(): Attribute
return Attribute::get(fn () => $this->podcast_id ? PlayableType::PODCAST_EPISODE : PlayableType::SONG);
public function accessibleBy(User $user): bool
if ($this->isEpisode()) {
return $user->subscribedToPodcast($this->podcast);
return $this->is_public || $this->ownedBy($user);
public function ownedBy(User $user): bool
return $this->owner_id === $user->id;
protected function storageMetadata(): Attribute
return new Attribute(
get: function (): SongStorageMetadata {
try {
switch ($this->storage) {
case SongStorageType::SFTP:
preg_match('/^sftp:\\/\\/(.*)/', $this->path, $matches);
return SftpMetadata::make($matches[1]);
case SongStorageType::S3:
preg_match('/^s3:\\/\\/(.*)\\/(.*)/', $this->path, $matches);
return S3CompatibleMetadata::make($matches[1], $matches[2]);
case SongStorageType::S3_LAMBDA:
preg_match('/^s3:\\/\\/(.*)\\/(.*)/', $this->path, $matches);
return S3LambdaMetadata::make($matches[1], $matches[2]);
case SongStorageType::DROPBOX:
preg_match('/^dropbox:\\/\\/(.*)/', $this->path, $matches);
return DropboxMetadata::make($matches[1]);
return LocalMetadata::make($this->path);
} catch (Throwable) {
return LocalMetadata::make($this->path);
public static function getPathFromS3BucketAndKey(string $bucket, string $key): string
return "s3://$bucket/$key";
/** @inheritdoc */
public function toSearchableArray(): array
$array = [
'id' => $this->id,
'title' => $this->title,
'type' => $this->type->value,
if ($this->episode_metadata?->description) {
$array['episode_description'] = $this->episode_metadata->description;
if ($this->artist && !$this->artist->is_unknown && !$this->artist->is_various) {
$array['artist'] = $this->artist->name;
return $array;
public function isEpisode(): bool
return $this->type === PlayableType::PODCAST_EPISODE;
public function __toString(): string
return $this->id;