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import isMobile from 'ismobilejs'
import { isObject, mergeWith } from 'lodash'
import { cleanup, render, RenderOptions } from '@testing-library/vue'
import { afterEach, beforeEach, vi } from 'vitest'
import { defineComponent, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { commonStore, userStore } from '@/stores'
import { http } from '@/services'
import factory from '@/__tests__/factory'
import { DialogBoxKey, MessageToasterKey, OverlayKey, RouterKey } from '@/symbols'
import { DialogBoxStub, MessageToasterStub, OverlayStub } from '@/__tests__/stubs'
import { routes } from '@/config'
import Router from '@/router'
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'
import { UserEvent } from '@testing-library/user-event/dist/types/setup/setup'
// A deep-merge function that
// - supports symbols as keys (_.merge doesn't)
// - supports Vue's Ref type without losing reactivity (deepmerge doesn't)
// Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60598589/794641
const deepMerge = (first: object, second: object) => {
return mergeWith(first, second, (a, b) => {
if (!isObject(b)) return b
// @ts-ignore
return Array.isArray(a) ? [...a, ...b] : { ...a, ...b }
export default abstract class UnitTestCase {
private backupMethods = new Map()
protected router: Router
protected user: UserEvent
public constructor () {
this.router = new Router(routes)
this.mock(http, 'request') // prevent actual HTTP requests from being made
this.user = userEvent.setup({ delay: null }) // @see https://github.com/testing-library/user-event/issues/833
protected beforeEach (cb?: Closure) {
beforeEach(() => {
commonStore.state.allow_download = true
commonStore.state.use_i_tunes = true
cb && cb()
protected afterEach (cb?: Closure) {
afterEach(() => {
isMobile.any = false
cb && cb()
protected actingAs (user?: User) {
userStore.state.current = user || factory<User>('user')
return this
protected actingAsAdmin () {
return this.actingAs(factory.states('admin')<User>('user'))
protected mock<T, M extends MethodOf<Required<T>>> (obj: T, methodName: M, implementation?: any) {
const mock = vi.fn()
if (implementation !== undefined) {
mock.mockImplementation(implementation instanceof Function ? implementation : () => implementation)
this.backupMethods.set([obj, methodName], obj[methodName])
// @ts-ignore
obj[methodName] = mock
return mock
protected restoreAllMocks () {
this.backupMethods.forEach((fn, [obj, methodName]) => (obj[methodName] = fn))
this.backupMethods = new Map()
protected render (component: any, options: RenderOptions = {}) {
return render(component, deepMerge({
global: {
directives: {
'koel-clickaway': {},
'koel-focus': {},
'koel-tooltip': {},
'koel-hide-broken-icon': {},
'koel-overflow-fade': {}
components: {
icon: this.stub('icon')
}, this.supplyRequiredProvides(options)))
private supplyRequiredProvides (options: RenderOptions) {
options.global = options.global || {}
options.global.provide = options.global.provide || {}
// @ts-ignore
if (!options.global.provide?.hasOwnProperty(DialogBoxKey)) {
// @ts-ignore
options.global.provide[DialogBoxKey] = DialogBoxStub
// @ts-ignore
if (!options.global.provide?.hasOwnProperty(MessageToasterKey)) {
// @ts-ignore
options.global.provide[MessageToasterKey] = MessageToasterStub
// @ts-ignore
if (!options.global.provide.hasOwnProperty(OverlayKey)) {
// @ts-ignore
options.global.provide[OverlayKey] = OverlayStub
// @ts-ignore
if (!options.global.provide.hasOwnProperty(RouterKey)) {
// @ts-ignore
options.global.provide[RouterKey] = this.router
return options
protected stub (testId = 'stub') {
return defineComponent({
template: `<br data-testid="${testId}"/>`
protected async tick (count = 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
await nextTick()
protected setReadOnlyProperty<T> (obj: T, prop: keyof T, value: any) {
return Object.defineProperties(obj, {
[prop]: {
configurable: true
protected async type (element: HTMLElement, value: string) {
await this.user.clear(element)
await this.user.type(element, value)
protected abstract test ()