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synced 2024-12-27 13:03:06 +00:00
200 lines
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200 lines
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/* eslint no-undef: 0 */
import Sketch from 'sketch-js'
import { audioService } from '@/services'
import { random, sample } from 'lodash'
// Audio visualization originally created by Justin Windle (@soulwire)
// as seen on https://codepen.io/soulwire/pen/Dscga
const NUM_PARTICLES = 128
const NUM_BANDS = 128
const SMOOTHING = 0.5
const SCALE = { MIN: 5.0, MAX: 80.0 }
const SPEED = { MIN: 0.2, MAX: 1.0 }
const ALPHA = { MIN: 0.8, MAX: 0.9 }
const SPIN = { MIN: 0.001, MAX: 0.005 }
const SIZE = { MIN: 0.5, MAX: 1.25 }
const COLORS = [
const TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2
class AudioAnalyser {
numBands: number
smoothing: number
audio: HTMLMediaElement
context: AudioContext
source: any
jsNode: any
analyser: any
bands: Uint8Array
onUpdate: any
constructor (numBands = 256, smoothing = 0.3) {
this.numBands = numBands
this.smoothing = smoothing
this.audio = audioService.getElement()
this.context = audioService.getContext()
this.source = audioService.getSource()
this.jsNode = this.context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1)
this.analyser = this.context.createAnalyser()
this.analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = this.smoothing
this.analyser.fftSize = this.numBands * 2
this.bands = new Uint8Array(this.analyser.frequencyBinCount)
this.jsNode.onaudioprocess = () => {
if (!this.audio.paused) {
return typeof this.onUpdate === 'function' ? this.onUpdate(this.bands) : undefined
class Particle {
x: number
y: number
level: any
scale: any
alpha: any
speed: any
color: any
size: any
spin: any
band: any
smoothedScale: number = 0
smoothedAlpha: number = 0
decayScale: number = 0
decayAlpha: number = 0
rotation: any = 0
energy: number = 0
constructor (x = 0, y = 0) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
reset (): number {
this.level = 1 + Math.floor(random(4))
this.scale = random(SCALE.MIN, SCALE.MAX)
this.alpha = random(ALPHA.MIN, ALPHA.MAX)
this.speed = random(SPEED.MIN, SPEED.MAX)
this.color = sample(COLORS)
this.size = random(SIZE.MIN, SIZE.MAX)
this.spin = random(SPIN.MAX, SPIN.MAX)
this.band = Math.floor(random(NUM_BANDS))
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
this.spin = -this.spin
this.smoothedScale = 0.0
this.smoothedAlpha = 0.0
this.decayScale = 0.0
this.decayAlpha = 0.0
this.rotation = random(TWO_PI)
this.energy = 0.0
return this.energy
move (): number {
this.rotation += this.spin
this.y -= this.speed * this.level
return this.y
draw (ctx: any) {
const power = Math.exp(this.energy)
const scale = this.scale * power
const alpha = this.alpha * this.energy * 2
this.decayScale = Math.max(this.decayScale, scale)
this.decayAlpha = Math.max(this.decayAlpha, alpha)
this.smoothedScale += (this.decayScale - this.smoothedScale) * 0.3
this.smoothedAlpha += (this.decayAlpha - this.smoothedAlpha) * 0.3
this.decayScale *= 0.985
this.decayAlpha *= 0.975
ctx.translate(this.x + Math.cos(this.rotation * this.speed) * 250, this.y)
ctx.scale(this.smoothedScale * this.level, this.smoothedScale * this.level)
ctx.moveTo(this.size * 0.5, 0)
ctx.lineTo(this.size * -0.5, 0)
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.lineCap = 'round'
ctx.globalAlpha = this.smoothedAlpha / this.level
ctx.strokeStyle = this.color
return ctx.restore()
export default (container: HTMLElement): void => {
particles: [],
setup () {
// generate some particles
for (let i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++) {
const particle = new Particle(random(this.width), random(this.height))
particle.energy = random(particle.band / 256)
// setup the audio analyser
const analyser = new AudioAnalyser(NUM_BANDS, SMOOTHING)
// update particles based on fft transformed audio frequencies
analyser.onUpdate = (bands: Uint8Array) => this.particles.map((particle: Particle): Particle => {
particle.energy = bands[particle.band] / 256
return particle
draw () {
this.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'
return this.particles.map((particle: Particle) => {
if (particle.y < (-particle.size * particle.level * particle.scale * 2)) {
particle.x = random(this.width)
particle.y = this.height + (particle.size * particle.scale * particle.level * 2)
return particle.draw(this)