import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import { br2nl, parseValidationError, pluralize, secondsToHis, ServerValidationError, slugToTitle } from './formatters' new class extends UnitTestCase { protected test () { it.each([ [0, '00:00'], [59, '00:59'], [60, '01:00'], [125, '02:05'], [7547, '02:05:47'], [137241, '38:07:21'] ])('formats %d seconds to H:i:s', (seconds, formatted) => expect(secondsToHis(seconds)).toBe(formatted)) it('parses validation error', () => { const error: ServerValidationError = { message: 'The given data was invalid', errors: { email: [ 'The email has already been taken', 'The domain is blacklisted' ], name: [ 'The name is required' ] } } expect(parseValidationError(error)).toEqual([ 'The email has already been taken', 'The domain is blacklisted', 'The name is required' ]) }) it.each([ ['foo
bar', "foo\nbar"], ['foo
bar', "foo\nbar"], ['foo
bar', "foo\nbar"], ['foo
baz', "foo\nbar\nbaz"] ])('converts
tags in %s to line breaks', (input, output) => expect(br2nl(input)).toEqual(output)) it.each([ ['foo', 'Foo'], ['foo-bar', 'Foo Bar'], ['foo-bar--baz', 'Foo Bar Baz'], ['foo-bar--baz---', 'Foo Bar Baz'] ])('converts %s to the title counterpart', (slug, title) => expect(slugToTitle(slug)).toEqual(title)) it.each([ [1, 'cat', 'cat'], [2, 'cat', 'cats'], [0, 'cat', 'cats'] ])('pluralizes %d %s', (count, noun, plural) => expect(pluralize(count, noun)).toEqual(`${count} ${plural}`)) } }