json(Playlist::byCurrentUser()->orderBy('name')->with('songs')->get()); } /** * Create a new playlist. * * @return JsonResponse */ public function store(PlaylistStoreRequest $request) { $playlist = $request->user()->playlists()->create($request->only('name')); $playlist->songs()->sync((array) $request->songs); $playlist->songs = $playlist->songs->pluck('id'); return response()->json($playlist); } /** * Rename a playlist. * * @throws AuthorizationException * * @return JsonResponse */ public function update(Request $request, Playlist $playlist) { $this->authorize('owner', $playlist); $playlist->update($request->only('name')); return response()->json($playlist); } /** * Sync a playlist with songs. * Any songs that are not populated here will be removed from the playlist. * * @throws AuthorizationException * * @return JsonResponse */ public function sync(PlaylistSyncRequest $request, Playlist $playlist) { $this->authorize('owner', $playlist); $playlist->songs()->sync((array) $request->songs); return response()->json(); } /** * Get a playlist's all songs. * * @throws AuthorizationException * * @return JsonResponse */ public function getSongs(Playlist $playlist) { $this->authorize('owner', $playlist); return response()->json($playlist->songs->pluck('id')); } /** * Delete a playlist. * * @throws Exception * @throws AuthorizationException * * @return JsonResponse */ public function destroy(Playlist $playlist) { $this->authorize('owner', $playlist); $playlist->delete(); return response()->json(); } }