filePath = $splFileInfo->getPathname(); $this->fileHash = $this->helper->getFileHash($this->filePath); $this->song = $this->songRepository->getOneById($this->fileHash); // @phpstan-ignore-line $this->syncError = null; return $this; } public function getFileInfo(): ?SongScanInformation { $info = $this->getID3->analyze($this->filePath); if (isset($info['error']) || !isset($info['playtime_seconds'])) { $this->syncError = isset($info['error']) ? $info['error'][0] : 'No playtime found'; return null; } return SongScanInformation::fromGetId3Info($info); } /** * Sync the song with all available media info into the database. * * @param array $excludes The tags to exclude (only taken into account if the song already exists) * @param bool $force Whether to force syncing, even if the file is unchanged */ public function sync(array $excludes = [], bool $force = false): int { if (!$this->isFileNewOrChanged() && !$force) { return self::SYNC_RESULT_UNMODIFIED; } $info = $this->getFileInfo()?->toArray(); if (!$info) { return self::SYNC_RESULT_BAD_FILE; } if (!$this->isFileNew()) { foreach ($excludes as $tag) { unset($info[$tag]); } } $artist = Arr::get($info, 'artist') ? Artist::getOrCreate($info['artist']) : $this->song->artist; $albumArtist = Arr::get($info, 'albumartist') ? Artist::getOrCreate($info['albumartist']) : $artist; $album = Arr::get($info, 'album') ? Album::getOrCreate($albumArtist, $info['album']) : $this->song->album; if (!$album->has_cover) { $this->tryGenerateAlbumCover($album, Arr::get($info, 'cover', [])); } $data = Arr::except($info, ['album', 'artist', 'albumartist', 'cover']); $data['album_id'] = $album->id; $data['artist_id'] = $artist->id; $this->song = Song::updateOrCreate(['id' => $this->fileHash], $data); return self::SYNC_RESULT_SUCCESS; } /** * Try to generate a cover for an album based on extracted data, or use the cover file under the directory. * * @param array|null $coverData */ private function tryGenerateAlbumCover(Album $album, ?array $coverData): void { try { // If the album has no cover, we try to get the cover image from existing tag data if ($coverData) { $extension = explode('/', $coverData['image_mime']); $extension = $extension[1] ?? 'png'; $this->mediaMetadataService->writeAlbumCover($album, $coverData['data'], $extension); return; } // Or, if there's a cover image under the same directory, use it. $cover = $this->getCoverFileUnderSameDirectory(); if ($cover) { $extension = pathinfo($cover, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $this->mediaMetadataService->writeAlbumCover($album, file_get_contents($cover), $extension); } } catch (Throwable) { } } /** * Issue #380. * Some albums have its own cover image under the same directory as cover|folder.jpg/png. * We'll check if such a cover file is found, and use it if positive. */ private function getCoverFileUnderSameDirectory(): ?string { // As directory scanning can be expensive, we cache and reuse the result. return $this->cache->remember(md5($this->filePath . '_cover'), now()->addDay(), function (): ?string { $matches = array_keys( iterator_to_array( $this->finder->create() ->depth(0) ->ignoreUnreadableDirs() ->files() ->followLinks() ->name('/(cov|fold)er\.(jpe?g|png)$/i') ->in(dirname($this->filePath)) ) ); $cover = $matches ? $matches[0] : null; return $cover && static::isImage($cover) ? $cover : null; }); } private static function isImage(string $path): bool { try { return (bool) exif_imagetype($path); } catch (Throwable) { return false; } } /** * Determine if the file is new (its Song record can't be found in the database). */ public function isFileNew(): bool { return !$this->song; } /** * Determine if the file is changed (its Song record is found, but the timestamp is different). */ public function isFileChanged(): bool { return !$this->isFileNew() && $this->song->mtime !== $this->fileModifiedTime; } public function isFileNewOrChanged(): bool { return $this->isFileNew() || $this->isFileChanged(); } public function getSyncError(): ?string { return $this->syncError; } public function getSong(): ?Song { return $this->song; } }