import _ from 'lodash'; import config from '../config'; import stub from '../stubs/artist'; import albumStore from './album'; export default { stub, state: { artists: [], }, /** * Init the store. * * @param {Array.} artists The array of artists we got from the server. */ init(artists) { this.state.artists = artists; // Traverse through artists array to get the cover and number of songs for each. _.each(this.state.artists, artist => { this.getImage(artist); Vue.set(artist, 'playCount', 0); Vue.set(artist, 'songCount', _.reduce(artist.albums, (count, album) => count + album.songs.length, 0)); Vue.set(artist, 'info', null); }); albumStore.init(this.state.artists); }, all() { return this.state.artists; }, /** * Get all songs performed by an artist. * * @param {Object} artist * * @return {Array.} */ getSongsByArtist(artist) { if (!artist.songs) { artist.songs = _.reduce(artist.albums, (songs, album) => songs.concat(album.songs), []); } return artist.songs; }, /** * Get the artist's image. * * @param {Object} artist * * @return {String} */ getImage(artist) { // If the artist already has a proper image, just return it. if (artist.image) { return artist.image; } // Otherwise, we try to get an image from one of their albums. artist.image = config.unknownCover; artist.albums.every(album => { // If there's a "real" cover, use it. if (album.image != config.unknownCover) { artist.image = album.cover; // I want to break free. return false; } }); return artist.image; }, /** * Get top n most-played artists. * * @param {Number} n * * @return {Array.} */ getMostPlayed(n = 6) { var artists = _.take(_.sortByOrder(this.state.artists, 'playCount', 'desc'), n); // Remove those with playCount=0 _.remove(artists, artist => !artist.playCount); return artists; }, };