getKey(); } /** * Determine if integration is enabled. */ public function enabled(): bool { return $this->getKey() && $this->getSecret(); } /** @return array|null */ public function getArtistInformation(string $name): ?array { if (!$this->enabled()) { return null; } $name = urlencode($name); try { return $this->cache->remember(md5("lastfm_artist_$name"), 24 * 60 * 7, function () use ($name): ?array { $response = $this->get("?method=artist.getInfo&autocorrect=1&artist=$name&format=json"); if (!$response || !isset($response->artist)) { return null; } return $this->buildArtistInformation($response->artist); }); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); return null; } } /** * Build a Koel-usable array of artist information using the data from * * @param mixed $data * * @return array */ private function buildArtistInformation($data): array { return [ 'url' => $data->url, 'image' => count($data->image) > 3 ? $data->image[3]->{'#text'} : $data->image[0]->{'#text'}, 'bio' => [ 'summary' => isset($data->bio) ? $this->formatText($data->bio->summary) : '', 'full' => isset($data->bio) ? $this->formatText($data->bio->content) : '', ], ]; } /** @return array|null */ public function getAlbumInformation(string $albumName, string $artistName): ?array { if (!$this->enabled()) { return null; } $albumName = urlencode($albumName); $artistName = urlencode($artistName); try { $cacheKey = md5("lastfm_album_{$albumName}_{$artistName}"); return $this->cache->remember($cacheKey, 24 * 60 * 7, function () use ($albumName, $artistName): ?array { $response = $this ->get("?method=album.getInfo&autocorrect=1&album=$albumName&artist=$artistName&format=json"); if (!$response || !isset($response->album)) { return null; } return $this->buildAlbumInformation($response->album); }); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); return null; } } /** * Build a Koel-usable array of album information using the data from * * @param mixed $data * * @return array */ private function buildAlbumInformation($data): array { return [ 'url' => $data->url, 'image' => count($data->image) > 3 ? $data->image[3]->{'#text'} : $data->image[0]->{'#text'}, 'wiki' => [ 'summary' => isset($data->wiki) ? $this->formatText($data->wiki->summary) : '', 'full' => isset($data->wiki) ? $this->formatText($data->wiki->content) : '', ], 'tracks' => array_map(static function ($track): array { return [ 'title' => $track->name, 'length' => (int) $track->duration, 'url' => $track->url, ]; }, isset($data->tracks) ? $data->tracks->track : []), ]; } /** * Get's session key for the authenticated user using a token. * * @param string $token The token after successfully connecting to * * @see */ public function getSessionKey(string $token): ?string { $query = $this->buildAuthCallParams([ 'method' => 'auth.getSession', 'token' => $token, ], true); try { return $this->get("/?$query&format=json", [], false)->session->key; } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); return null; } } public function scrobble( string $artistName, string $trackName, $timestamp, string $albumName, string $sessionKey ): void { $params = [ 'artist' => $artistName, 'track' => $trackName, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'sk' => $sessionKey, 'method' => 'track.scrobble', ]; if ($albumName) { $params['album'] = $albumName; } try { $this->post('/', $this->buildAuthCallParams($params), false); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); } } public function toggleLoveTrack(LastfmLoveTrackParameters $params, string $sessionKey, bool $love = true): void { try { $this->post('/', $this->buildAuthCallParams([ 'track' => $params->getTrackName(), 'artist' => $params->getArtistName(), 'sk' => $sessionKey, 'method' => $love ? '' : 'track.unlove', ]), false); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); } } /** * @param Collection|array $parameterCollection */ public function batchToggleLoveTracks(Collection $parameterCollection, string $sessionKey, bool $love = true): void { $promises = $parameterCollection->map( function (LastfmLoveTrackParameters $params) use ($sessionKey, $love): Promise { return $this->postAsync('/', $this->buildAuthCallParams([ 'track' => $params->getTrackName(), 'artist' => $params->getArtistName(), 'sk' => $sessionKey, 'method' => $love ? '' : 'track.unlove', ]), false); } ); try { Utils::unwrap($promises); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); } } /** * @param int|float $duration Duration of the track, in seconds */ public function updateNowPlaying( string $artistName, string $trackName, string $albumName, $duration, string $sessionKey ): void { $params = [ 'artist' => $artistName, 'track' => $trackName, 'duration' => $duration, 'sk' => $sessionKey, 'method' => 'track.updateNowPlaying', ]; if ($albumName) { $params['album'] = $albumName; } try { $this->post('/', $this->buildAuthCallParams($params), false); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); } } /** * Build the parameters to use for _authenticated_ API calls. * Such calls require: * - The API key (api_key) * - The API signature (api_sig). * * @see * * @param array $params The array of parameters * @param bool $toString Whether to turn the array into a query string * * @return array|string */ public function buildAuthCallParams(array $params, bool $toString = false) { $params['api_key'] = $this->getKey(); ksort($params); // Generate the API signature. // @link $str = ''; foreach ($params as $name => $value) { $str .= $name . $value; } $str .= $this->getSecret(); $params['api_sig'] = md5($str); if (!$toString) { return $params; } $query = ''; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $query .= "$key=$value&"; } return rtrim($query, '&'); } /** * Correctly format a value returned by */ protected function formatText(?string $value): string { if (!$value) { return ''; } return trim(str_replace('Read more on', '', nl2br(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($value))))); } public function getKey(): ?string { return config('koel.lastfm.key'); } public function getEndpoint(): ?string { return config('koel.lastfm.endpoint'); } public function getSecret(): ?string { return config('koel.lastfm.secret'); } public function setUserSessionKey(User $user, ?string $sessionKey): void { $user->preferences->lastFmSessionKey = $sessionKey; $user->save(); } }