create([ 'path' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../songs/full.mp3'), ]); // When I add the song into the archive $songArchive = new SongZipArchive(); $songArchive->addSong($song); // Then I see the archive contains one file $archive = $songArchive->getArchive(); $this->assertEquals(1, $archive->numFiles); // and the file is our song $this->assertEquals('full.mp3', $archive->getNameIndex(0)); } /** @test */ public function multiple_songs_can_be_added_into_an_archive() { // Given some songs $songs = collect([ factory(Song::class)->create([ 'path' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../songs/full.mp3'), ]), factory(Song::class)->create([ 'path' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../songs/lorem.mp3'), ]), ]); // When I add the songs into the archive $songArchive = new SongZipArchive(); $songArchive->addSongs($songs); // Then I see the archive contains two files $archive = $songArchive->getArchive(); $this->assertEquals(2, $archive->numFiles); // and the files are our songs $this->assertEquals('full.mp3', $archive->getNameIndex(0)); $this->assertEquals('lorem.mp3', $archive->getNameIndex(1)); } }