components->error('S3 as a storage driver is only available in Koel Plus.'); return self::FAILURE; } $this->components->info('Setting up S3 or an S3-compatible service as the storage driver for Koel.'); $this->components->warn('Changing the storage configuration can cause irreversible data loss.'); $this->components->warn('Consider backing up your data before proceeding.'); $config = ['STORAGE_DRIVER' => 's3']; $config['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = $this->ask('Enter the access key ID (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)'); $config['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = $this->ask('Enter the secret access key (AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)'); $config['AWS_REGION'] = $this->ask('Enter the region (AWS_REGION). For Cloudflare R2, use "auto".'); $config['AWS_ENDPOINT'] = $this->ask('Enter the endpoint (AWS_ENDPOINT)'); $config['AWS_BUCKET'] = $this->ask('Enter the bucket name (AWS_BUCKET)'); $this->dotenvEditor->setKeys($config); $this->dotenvEditor->save(); $this->comment('Uploading a test file to make sure everything is working...'); try { app(S3CompatibleStorage::class)->testSetup(); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->error('Failed to upload test file: ' . $e->getMessage() . '.'); $this->comment('Please check your configuration and try again.'); $this->dotenvEditor->restore(); Artisan::call('config:clear', ['--quiet' => true]); return self::FAILURE; } $this->components->info('All done!'); return self::SUCCESS; } }