import { arrow, autoUpdate, computePosition, offset, Placement } from '@floating-ui/dom' import { Directive, DirectiveBinding } from 'vue' type ElementWithTooltip = HTMLElement & { $tooltip?: HTMLDivElement, $cleanup?: Closure } const getOrCreateTooltip = (el: ElementWithTooltip): HTMLElement => { if (el.$tooltip) return el.$tooltip el.$tooltip = document.createElement('div') el.$tooltip.classList.add('tooltip') const arrow = document.createElement('div') arrow.classList.add('tooltip-arrow') const content = document.createElement('div') content.classList.add('tooltip-content') el.$tooltip.appendChild(content) el.$tooltip.appendChild(arrow) document.body.appendChild(el.$tooltip) return el.$tooltip } const init = (el: ElementWithTooltip, binding: DirectiveBinding) => { const $tooltip = getOrCreateTooltip(el) // make sure the actual title is removed from the element, but keep a backup for the updated() hook calls $tooltip.querySelector('.tooltip-content')!.innerText = binding.value || el.title || el.getAttribute('data-title') || el.innerText if (el.title && !el.getAttribute('data-title')) { el.setAttribute('data-title', el.title) el.removeAttribute('title') } const $arrow = $tooltip.querySelector('.tooltip-arrow')! let placement: Placement = 'bottom' ;(['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'] as Placement[]).forEach(p => { if (binding.modifiers[p]) { placement = p } }) const update = async () => { const { x, y, middlewareData } = await computePosition(el, $tooltip, { placement, middleware: [ arrow({ element: $arrow }), offset(8) ] }) Object.assign($, { top: `${y}px`, left: `${x}px` }) // @ts-ignore const { x: arrowX, y: arrowY } = middlewareData.arrow const staticSide = { top: 'bottom', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', left: 'right' }[placement.split('-')[0]] Object.assign($, { left: arrowX != null ? `${arrowX}px` : '', top: arrowY != null ? `${arrowY}px` : '', right: '', bottom: '', // @ts-ignore [staticSide]: '-4px' }) } el.$cleanup = el.$cleanup || autoUpdate(el, $tooltip, update) const showTooltip = async () => { $tooltip.classList.add('show') await update() } const hideTooltip = () => $tooltip.classList.remove('show') el.addEventListener('mouseenter', showTooltip) el.addEventListener('focus', showTooltip) el.addEventListener('mouseleave', hideTooltip) el.addEventListener('blur', hideTooltip) } export const tooltip: Directive = { mounted: init, updated: init, unmounted: (el: ElementWithTooltip, binding) => { el.$cleanup && el.$cleanup() el.$tooltip && document.removeChild(el.$tooltip) } }