spotifyService->tryGetAlbumCover($album), function (string $coverUrl) use ($album): void { $this->writeAlbumCover($album, $coverUrl); }); } /** * Write an album cover image file and update the Album with the new cover attribute. * * @param string $source Path, URL, or even binary data. See * @param string $destination The destination path. Automatically generated if empty. */ public function writeAlbumCover( Album $album, string $source, string $extension = 'png', ?string $destination = '', bool $cleanUp = true ): void { try { $extension = trim(strtolower($extension), '. '); $destination = $destination ?: $this->generateAlbumCoverPath($extension); $this->imageWriter->write($destination, $source); if ($cleanUp) { $this->deleteAlbumCoverFiles($album); } $album->update(['cover' => basename($destination)]); $this->createThumbnailForAlbum($album); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); } } public function tryDownloadArtistImage(Artist $artist): void { optional($this->spotifyService->tryGetArtistImage($artist), function (string $imageUrl) use ($artist): void { $this->writeArtistImage($artist, $imageUrl); }); } /** * Write an artist image file update the Artist with the new image attribute. * * @param string $source Path, URL, or even binary data. See * @param string $destination The destination path. Automatically generated if empty. */ public function writeArtistImage( Artist $artist, string $source, string $extension = 'png', ?string $destination = '', bool $cleanUp = true ): void { try { $extension = trim(strtolower($extension), '. '); $destination = $destination ?: $this->generateArtistImagePath($extension); $this->imageWriter->write($destination, $source); if ($cleanUp && $artist->has_image) { @unlink($artist->image_path); } $artist->update(['image' => basename($destination)]); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error($e); } } private function generateAlbumCoverPath(string $extension): string { return album_cover_path(sprintf('%s.%s', sha1(Str::uuid()), trim($extension, '.'))); } private function generateArtistImagePath(string $extension): string { return artist_image_path(sprintf('%s.%s', sha1(Str::uuid()), trim($extension, '.'))); } /** * Get the URL of an album's thumbnail. * Auto-generate the thumbnail when possible, if one doesn't exist yet. */ public function getAlbumThumbnailUrl(Album $album): ?string { if (!$album->has_cover) { return null; } if (!file_exists($album->thumbnail_path)) { $this->createThumbnailForAlbum($album); } return $album->thumbnail; } private function createThumbnailForAlbum(Album $album): void { $this->imageWriter->write($album->thumbnail_path, $album->cover_path, ['max_width' => 48, 'blur' => 10]); } private function deleteAlbumCoverFiles(Album $album): void { if (!$album->has_cover) { return; } @unlink($album->cover_path); @unlink($album->thumbnail_path); } }