/* eslint camelcase: ["error", {properties: "never"}] */ import { union, difference, take, orderBy } from 'lodash' import stub from '@/stubs/album' import { artistStore } from '.' import { http } from '@/services' import { arrayify, use } from '@/utils' const UNKNOWN_ALBUM_ID = 1 export const albumStore = { stub, cache: {} as { [key: string]: Album }, state: { albums: [stub] }, init (albums: Album[]) { // Traverse through the artists array and add their albums into our master album list. this.all = albums this.all.forEach(album => this.setupAlbum(album)) }, setupAlbum (album: Album): void { const artist = artistStore.byId(album.artist_id)! artist.albums = union(artist.albums, [album]) album.artist = artist album.info = null album.songs = [] album.playCount = 0 this.cache[album.id] = album }, get all () { return this.state.albums }, set all (value) { this.state.albums = value }, byId (id: number): Album | undefined { return this.cache[id] }, byIds (ids: number[]): Album[] { const albums = [] as Album[] ids.forEach(id => use(this.byId(id), album => albums.push(album!))) return albums }, add (albums: Album | Album[]): void { arrayify(albums).forEach(album => { this.setupAlbum(album) album.playCount = album.songs.reduce((count, song) => count + song.playCount, 0) this.all.push(album) }) }, purify (): void { this.compact() }, /** * Remove empty albums from the store. */ compact (): void { const emptyAlbums = this.all.filter(album => album.songs.length === 0) if (!emptyAlbums.length) { return } this.all = difference(this.all, emptyAlbums) emptyAlbums.forEach(album => delete this.cache[album.id]) }, getMostPlayed (n: number = 6): Album[] { // Only non-unknown albums with actual play count are applicable. const applicable = this.all.filter(album => album.playCount && album.id !== 1) return take(orderBy(applicable, 'playCount', 'desc'), n) }, getRecentlyAdded (n: number = 6): Album[] { const applicable = this.all.filter(album => album.id !== 1) return take(orderBy(applicable, 'created_at', 'desc'), n) }, /** * Upload a cover for an album. * * @param {Album} album The album object * @param {string} cover The content data string of the cover */ uploadCover: async (album: Album, cover: string): Promise => { const { coverUrl } = await http.put<{ coverUrl: string }>(`album/${album.id}/cover`, { cover }) album.cover = coverUrl return album.cover }, /** * Get the (blurry) thumbnail-sized version of an album's cover. */ getThumbnail: async (album: Album): Promise => { if (album.thumbnail === undefined) { const { thumbnailUrl } = await http.get<{ thumbnailUrl: string }>(`album/${album.id}/thumbnail`) album.thumbnail = thumbnailUrl } return album.thumbnail }, isUnknownAlbum: (album: Album) => album.id === UNKNOWN_ALBUM_ID }