import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import factory from '@/__tests__/factory' import { eventBus } from '@/utils' import { albumStore, preferenceStore } from '@/stores' import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import MainContent from '@/components/layout/main-wrapper/MainContent.vue' import AlbumArtOverlay from '@/components/ui/AlbumArtOverlay.vue' import Visualizer from '@/components/ui/Visualizer.vue' new class extends UnitTestCase { protected test () { it('has a translucent overlay per album', async () => { this.mock(albumStore, 'getThumbnail', 'https://foo/bar.jpg') const { getByTestId } = this.render(MainContent, { global: { stubs: { AlbumArtOverlay } } }) eventBus.emit('SONG_STARTED', factory('song')) await this.tick(2) // re-render and fetch album thumbnail getByTestId('album-art-overlay') }) it('does not have a translucent over if configured not so', async () => { preferenceStore.state.showAlbumArtOverlay = false const { queryByTestId } = this.render(MainContent, { global: { stubs: { AlbumArtOverlay } } }) eventBus.emit('SONG_STARTED', factory('song')) await this.tick(2) // re-render and fetch album thumbnail expect(await queryByTestId('album-art-overlay')).toBeNull() }) it('toggles visualizer', async () => { const { getByTestId, queryByTestId } = this.render(MainContent, { global: { stubs: { Visualizer } } }) eventBus.emit('TOGGLE_VISUALIZER') await this.tick() getByTestId('visualizer') eventBus.emit('TOGGLE_VISUALIZER') await this.tick() expect(await queryByTestId('visualizer')).toBeNull() }) } }