import { merge } from 'lodash' import { http } from '@/services' import { userStore } from '@/stores' import { useLocalStorage } from '@/composables' export interface UpdateCurrentProfileData { current_password: string | null name: string email: string avatar?: string new_password?: string } const API_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY = 'api-token' const AUDIO_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY = 'audio-token' const { get: lsGet, set: lsSet, remove: lsRemove } = useLocalStorage(false) // authentication local storage data aren't namespaced export const authService = { async login (email: string, password: string) { this.setTokensUsingCompositeToken(await'me', { email, password })) }, async logout () { await http.delete('me') this.destroy() }, getProfile: async () => await http.get('me'), updateProfile: async (data: UpdateCurrentProfileData) => { merge(userStore.current, (await http.put('me', data))) }, getApiToken: () => lsGet(API_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY), hasApiToken () { return Boolean(this.getApiToken()) }, setApiToken: (token: string) => lsSet(API_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY, token), setTokensUsingCompositeToken (compositeToken: CompositeToken) { this.setApiToken(compositeToken.token) this.setAudioToken(compositeToken['audio-token']) }, destroy: () => { lsRemove(API_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY) lsRemove(AUDIO_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY) }, setAudioToken: (token: string) => lsSet(AUDIO_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY, token), getAudioToken: () => { // for backward compatibility, we first try to get the audio token, and fall back to the (full-privileged) API token return lsGet(AUDIO_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY) || lsGet(API_TOKEN_STORAGE_KEY) }, requestResetPasswordLink: async (email: string) => await'forgot-password', { email }), resetPassword: async (email: string, password: string, token: string) => { await'reset-password', { email, password, token }) }, getOneTimeToken: async () => (await http.get<{ token: string }>('one-time-token')).token }