import bgRosePetal from '../img/themes/bg-rose-petals.svg' import bgPurpleWaves from '../img/themes/bg-purple-waves.svg' import bgPopCulture from '../img/themes/bg-pop-culture.jpg' import thumbPopCulture from '../img/themes/thumbnails/pop-culture.jpg' import bgJungle from '../img/themes/bg-jungle.jpg' import thumbJungle from '../img/themes/thumbnails/jungle.jpg' import bgMountains from '../img/themes/bg-mountains.jpg' import thumbMountains from '../img/themes/thumbnails/mountains.jpg' import bgPines from '../img/themes/bg-pines.jpg' import thumbPines from '../img/themes/thumbnails/pines.jpg' import bgNemo from '../img/themes/bg-nemo.jpg' import thumbNemo from '../img/themes/thumbnails/nemo.jpg' import bgCat from '../img/themes/bg-cat.jpg' import thumbCat from '../img/themes/thumbnails/cat.jpg' import bgDawn from '../img/themes/bg-dawn.jpg' import thumbDawn from '../img/themes/thumbnails/dawn.jpg' export default [ { id: 'classic', thumbnailColor: '#181818', }, { id: 'violet', thumbnailColor: '#31094e', properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': '#360f52', '--color-bg-primary': '#31094e', '--color-highlight': '#c23de5', }, }, { id: 'oak', thumbnailColor: '#560d25', properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': '#5a132a', '--color-bg-primary': '#560d25', '--color-highlight': '#fd4b67', }, }, { id: 'slate', thumbnailColor: '#29434e', properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': '#2e4752', '--color-bg-primary': '#29434e', '--color-highlight': '#6c8b99', }, }, { id: 'madison', thumbnailColor: '#0e3463', properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': '#143967', '--color-bg-primary': '#0e3463', '--color-bg-highlight': '#fbab18', }, }, { id: 'astronaut', thumbnailColor: '#2a3074', properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': '#2f3577', '--color-bg-primary': '#2a3074', '--color-highlight': '#7a78dd', }, }, { id: 'chocolate', thumbnailColor: '#3f2724', properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': '#442c29', '--color-bg-primary': '#3f2724', '--color-highlight': '#d96759', }, }, { id: 'laura', thumbnailColor: '#126673', properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': '#186a76', '--color-bg-primary': '#126673', '--color-highlight': 'rgba(10, 244, 255, .64)', }, }, { id: 'dawn', name: 'Before the Dawn', thumbnailUrl: thumbDawn, properties: { '--color-highlight': '#ed5135', '--color-accent': '#f4944f', '--bg-image': `url(${bgDawn})`, '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#1e2747', '--bg-position': 'center bottom', }, }, { id: 'rose-petals', name: '…Has Its Thorns', thumbnailColor: '#7d083b', thumbnailUrl: bgRosePetal, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#7d083b', '--bg-image': `url(${bgRosePetal})`, }, }, { id: 'purple-waves', name: 'Waves of Fortune', thumbnailColor: '#44115c', thumbnailUrl: bgPurpleWaves, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#44115c', '--bg-image': `url(${bgPurpleWaves})`, }, }, { id: 'pop-culture', thumbnailColor: '#ad0937', thumbnailUrl: thumbPopCulture, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#ad0937', '--color-highlight': 'rgba(234, 208, 110, .9)', '--bg-image': `url(${bgPopCulture})`, }, }, { id: 'jungle', name: 'Welcome to the Jungle', thumbnailColor: '#0f0f03', thumbnailUrl: thumbJungle, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#0f0f03', '--color-highlight': '#4f9345', '--bg-image': `url(${bgJungle})`, }, }, { id: 'mountains', name: 'Rocky Mountain High', thumbnailColor: '#0e2656', thumbnailUrl: thumbMountains, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#0e2656', '--color-highlight': '#6488c3', '--bg-image': `url(${bgMountains})`, }, }, { id: 'pines', name: 'In the Pines', thumbnailColor: '#06090c', thumbnailUrl: thumbPines, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#06090c', '--color-highlight': '#5984b9', '--bg-image': `url(${bgPines})`, }, }, { id: 'nemo', thumbnailColor: '#031724', thumbnailUrl: thumbNemo, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#031724', '--color-highlight': '#2896b8', '--bg-image': `url(${bgNemo})`, }, }, { id: 'cat', name: 'What\'s New Pussycat?', thumbnailColor: '#000', thumbnailUrl: thumbCat, properties: { '--color-bg-secondary': 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .025)', '--color-bg-primary': '#000', '--color-highlight': '#d26c37', '--bg-image': `url(${bgCat})`, '--bg-position': 'left', }, }, ] as Theme[]