import factory from '@/__tests__/factory' import { queueStore } from '@/stores' import { playbackService } from '@/services' import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import { fireEvent } from '@testing-library/vue' import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import SongCard from './SongCard.vue' let song: Song new class extends UnitTestCase { private renderComponent (playbackState: PlaybackState = 'Stopped') { song = factory('song', { playback_state: playbackState, play_count: 10, title: 'Foo bar' }) return this.render(SongCard, { props: { song, topPlayCount: 42 }, global: { stubs: { SongThumbnail: this.stub('thumbnail'), LikeButton: this.stub('like-button') } } }) } protected test () { it('has a thumbnail and a like button', () => { const { getByTestId } = this.renderComponent() getByTestId('thumbnail') getByTestId('like-button') }) it('queues and plays on double-click', async () => { const queueMock = this.mock(queueStore, 'queueIfNotQueued') const playMock = this.mock(playbackService, 'play') const { getByTestId } = this.renderComponent() await fireEvent.dblClick(getByTestId('song-card')) expect(queueMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(song) expect(playMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(song) }) } }