createSampleMediaSet(); } public function testSingleUpdateAllInfoNoCompilation() { $this->expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $this->actingAs(factory(User::class, 'admin')->create()) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Foo Bar', 'artistName' => 'John Cena', 'albumName' => 'One by One', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 0, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $artist = Artist::whereName('John Cena')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($artist); $album = Album::whereName('One by One')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($album); $this->seeInDatabase('songs', [ 'id' => $song->id, 'album_id' => $album->id, 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, ]); } public function testSingleUpdateSomeInfoNoCompilation() { $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $originalArtistId = $song->album->artist->id; $this->actingAs(factory(User::class, 'admin')->create()) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => '', 'artistName' => '', 'albumName' => 'One by One', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 0, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); // We don't expect the song's artist to change $this->assertEquals($originalArtistId, Song::find($song->id)->album->artist->id); // But we expect a new album to be created for this artist and contain this song $this->assertEquals('One by One', Song::find($song->id)->album->name); } public function testMultipleUpdateAllInfoNoCompilation() { $songIds = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(3)->pluck('id')->toArray(); $this->actingAs(factory(User::class, 'admin')->create()) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => $songIds, 'data' => [ 'title' => 'foo', 'artistName' => 'John Cena', 'albumName' => 'One by One', 'lyrics' => 'bar', 'track' => 9999, 'compilationState' => 0, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $songs = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(3)->get(); // Even though we post the title, lyrics, and tracks, we don't expect them to take any effect // because we're updating multiple songs here. $this->assertNotEquals('foo', $songs[0]->title); $this->assertNotEquals('bar', $songs[2]->lyrics); $this->assertNotEquals(9999, $songs[2]->track); // But all of these songs must now belong to a new album and artist set $this->assertEquals('One by One', $songs[0]->album->name); $this->assertEquals('One by One', $songs[1]->album->name); $this->assertEquals('One by One', $songs[2]->album->name); $this->assertEquals('John Cena', $songs[0]->album->artist->name); $this->assertEquals('John Cena', $songs[1]->album->artist->name); $this->assertEquals('John Cena', $songs[2]->album->artist->name); } public function testMultipleUpdateSomeInfoNoCompilation() { $originalSongs = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(3)->get(); $songIds = $originalSongs->pluck('id')->toArray(); $this->actingAs(factory(User::class, 'admin')->create()) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => $songIds, 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Foo Bar', 'artistName' => 'John Cena', 'albumName' => '', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 0, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $songs = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(3)->get(); // Even though the album name doesn't change, a new artist should have been created // and thus, a new album with the same name was created as well. $this->assertEquals($songs[0]->album->name, $originalSongs[0]->album->name); $this->assertNotEquals($songs[0]->album->id, $originalSongs[0]->album->id); $this->assertEquals($songs[1]->album->name, $originalSongs[1]->album->name); $this->assertNotEquals($songs[1]->album->id, $originalSongs[1]->album->id); $this->assertEquals($songs[2]->album->name, $originalSongs[2]->album->name); $this->assertNotEquals($songs[2]->album->id, $originalSongs[2]->album->id); // And of course, the new artist is... $this->assertEquals('John Cena', $songs[0]->album->artist->name); // JOHN CENA!!! $this->assertEquals('John Cena', $songs[1]->album->artist->name); // JOHN CENA!!! $this->assertEquals('John Cena', $songs[2]->album->artist->name); // And... JOHN CENAAAAAAAAAAA!!! } public function testSingleUpdateAllInfoYesCompilation() { $admin = factory(User::class, 'admin')->create(); $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $this->actingAs($admin) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Foo Bar', 'artistName' => 'John Cena', 'albumName' => 'One by One', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 1, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $compilationAlbum = Album::whereArtistIdAndName(Artist::VARIOUS_ID, 'One by One')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($compilationAlbum); $contributingArtist = Artist::whereName('John Cena')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($contributingArtist); $this->seeInDatabase('songs', [ 'id' => $song->id, 'contributing_artist_id' => $contributingArtist->id, 'album_id' => $compilationAlbum->id, 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, ]); // Now try changing stuff and make sure things work. // Case 1: Keep compilation state and artist the same $this->actingAs($admin) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Barz Qux', 'artistName' => 'John Cena', 'albumName' => 'Two by Two', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 2, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $compilationAlbum = Album::whereArtistIdAndName(Artist::VARIOUS_ID, 'Two by Two')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($compilationAlbum); $contributingArtist = Artist::whereName('John Cena')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($contributingArtist); $this->seeInDatabase('songs', [ 'id' => $song->id, 'contributing_artist_id' => $contributingArtist->id, 'album_id' => $compilationAlbum->id, ]); // Case 2: Keep compilation state, but change the artist. $this->actingAs($admin) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Barz Qux', 'artistName' => 'Foo Fighters', 'albumName' => 'One by One', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 2, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $compilationAlbum = Album::whereArtistIdAndName(Artist::VARIOUS_ID, 'One by One')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($compilationAlbum); $contributingArtist = Artist::whereName('Foo Fighters')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($contributingArtist); $this->seeInDatabase('songs', [ 'id' => $song->id, 'contributing_artist_id' => $contributingArtist->id, 'album_id' => $compilationAlbum->id, ]); // Case 3: Change compilation state only $this->actingAs($admin) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Barz Qux', 'artistName' => 'Foo Fighters', 'albumName' => 'One by One', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 0, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $artist = Artist::whereName('Foo Fighters')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($artist); $album = Album::whereArtistIdAndName($artist->id, 'One by One')->first(); $this->seeInDatabase('songs', [ 'id' => $song->id, 'contributing_artist_id' => null, 'album_id' => $album->id, ]); // Case 3: Change compilation state and artist // Remember to set the compliation state back to 1 $this->actingAs($admin) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Barz Qux', 'artistName' => 'Foo Fighters', 'albumName' => 'One by One', 'lyrics' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 1, ], ]) ->put('/api/songs', [ 'songs' => [$song->id], 'data' => [ 'title' => 'Twilight of the Thunder God', 'artistName' => 'Amon Amarth', 'albumName' => 'Twilight of the Thunder God', 'lyrics' => 'Thor! Nanananananana Batman.', 'track' => 1, 'compilationState' => 0, ], ]) ->seeStatusCode(200); $artist = Artist::whereName('Amon Amarth')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($artist); $album = Album::whereArtistIdAndName($artist->id, 'Twilight of the Thunder God')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($album); $this->seeInDatabase('songs', [ 'id' => $song->id, 'contributing_artist_id' => null, 'album_id' => $album->id, 'lyrics' => 'Thor! Nanananananana Batman.', // haha ]); } public function testGetSongInfo() { $song = Song::first(); $this->actingAs(factory(User::class, 'admin')->create()) ->get("/api/{$song->id}/info") ->seeStatusCode(200) ->seeJson([ 'lyrics' => $song->lyrics, 'artist_info' => false, 'album_info' => false, ]); } }