import Axios, { AxiosInstance, Method } from 'axios' import NProgress from 'nprogress' import { eventBus } from '@/utils' import { auth, ls } from '@/services' export const http = { client: null as AxiosInstance | null, setProgressBar: () => NProgress.start(), hideProgressBar: () => NProgress.done(true), request (method: Method, url: string, data: Record = {}, onUploadProgress?: any) { return this.client!.request({ url, data, method, onUploadProgress }) as Promise<{ data: T }> }, async get (url: string) { return (await this.request('get', url)).data }, async post (url: string, data: Record, onUploadProgress?: any) { return (await this.request('post', url, data, onUploadProgress)).data }, async put (url: string, data: Record) { return (await this.request('put', url, data)).data }, async delete (url: string, data: Record = {}) { return (await this.request('delete', url, data)).data }, init () { this.client = Axios.create({ baseURL: KOEL_ENV === 'app' ? `${ls.get('koelHost')}api` : `${window.BASE_URL}api` }) // Intercept the request to make sure the token is injected into the header. this.client.interceptors.request.use(config => { this.setProgressBar() config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${auth.getToken()}` return config }) // Intercept the response and… this.client.interceptors.response.use(response => { this.hideProgressBar() // …get the token from the header or response data if exists, and save it. const token = response.headers.Authorization || token && auth.setToken(token) return response }, error => { this.hideProgressBar() // Also, if we receive a Bad Request / Unauthorized error if (error.response.status === 400 || error.response.status === 401) { // and we're not trying to log in if (!(error.config.method === 'post' && /\/api\/me\/?$/.test(error.config.url))) { // the token must have expired. Log out. eventBus.emit('LOG_OUT') } } return Promise.reject(error) }) } }