import Vue from 'vue'; import { reduce, each, find, union, difference, take, filter, orderBy, } from 'lodash'; import http from '../services/http'; import config from '../config'; import stub from '../stubs/artist'; import albumStore from './album'; const UNKNOWN_ARTIST_ID = 1; const VARIOUS_ARTISTS_ID = 2; export default { stub, state: { artists: [], }, /** * Init the store. * * @param {Array.} artists The array of artists we got from the server. */ init(artists) { this.all = artists; albumStore.init(this.all); // Traverse through artists array to get the cover and number of songs for each. each(this.all, artist => { this.setupArtist(artist); }); }, /** * Set up the (reactive) properties of an artist. * * @param {Object} artist */ setupArtist(artist) { this.getImage(artist); Vue.set(artist, 'playCount', 0); // Here we build a list of songs performed by the artist, so that we don't need to traverse // down the "artist > albums > items" route later. // This also makes sure songs in compilation albums are counted as well. Vue.set(artist, 'songs', reduce(artist.albums, (songs, album) => { // If the album is compilation, we cater for the songs contributed by this artist only. if (album.is_compilation) { return songs.concat(filter(album.songs, { contributing_artist_id: })); } // Otherwise, just use all songs in the album. return songs.concat(album.songs); }, [])); Vue.set(artist, 'songCount', artist.songs.length); Vue.set(artist, 'info', null); return artist; }, /** * Get all artists. * * @return {Array.} */ get all() { return this.state.artists; }, /** * Set all artists. * * @param {Array.} value */ set all(value) { this.state.artists = value; }, /** * Get an artist object by its ID. * * @param {Number} id */ byId(id) { return find(this.all, { id }); }, /** * Adds an artist/artists into the current collection. * * @param {Array.|Object} artists */ add(artists) { artists = [].concat(artists); each(artists, a => this.setupArtist(a)); this.all = union(this.all, artists); }, /** * Remove artist(s) from the store. * * @param {Array.|Object} artists */ remove(artists) { this.all = difference(this.all, [].concat(artists)); }, /** * Get extra artist info (from * * @param {Object} artist * @param {?Function} cb */ fetchInfo(artist, cb = null) { if ( { cb && cb(); return; } http.get(`artist/${}/info`, response => { if ( { this.mergeArtistInfo(artist,; } cb && cb(); }); }, /** * Merge the (fetched) info into an artist. * * @param {Object} artist * @param {Object} info */ mergeArtistInfo(artist, info) { // If the artist image is not in a nice form, discard. if (typeof info.image !== 'string') { info.image = null; } // Set the artist image on the client side to the retrieved image from server. if (info.image) { artist.image = info.image; } = info; }, /** * Add album(s) into an artist. * * @param {Object} artist * @param {Array.|Object} albums * */ addAlbumsIntoArtist(artist, albums) { albums = [].concat(albums); artist.albums = union(artist.albums ? artist.albums : [], albums); each(albums, album => { album.artist_id =; album.artist = artist; artist.playCount += album.playCount; }); }, /** * Remove album(s) from an artist. * * @param {Object} artist * @param {Array.|Object} albums */ removeAlbumsFromArtist(artist, albums) { albums = [].concat(albums); artist.albums = difference(artist.albums, albums); each(albums, album => artist.playCount -= album.playCount); }, /** * Checks if an artist is empty. * * @param {Object} artist * * @return {boolean} */ isArtistEmpty(artist) { return !artist.albums.length; }, /** * Determine if the artist is the special "Various Artists". * * @param {Object} artist * * @return {Boolean} */ isVariousArtists(artist) { return === VARIOUS_ARTISTS_ID; }, /** * Determine if the artist is the special "Unknown Artist". * * @param {Object} artist [description] * * @return {Boolean} */ isUnknownArtist(artist) { return === UNKNOWN_ARTIST_ID; }, /** * Get all songs performed by an artist. * * @param {Object} artist * * @return {Array.} */ getSongsByArtist(artist) { return artist.songs; }, /** * Get the artist's image. * * @param {Object} artist * * @return {String} */ getImage(artist) { if (!artist.image) { // Try to get an image from one of the albums. artist.image = config.unknownCover; artist.albums.every(album => { // If there's a "real" cover, use it. if (album.image !== config.unknownCover) { artist.image = album.cover; // I want to break free. return false; } }); } return artist.image; }, /** * Get top n most-played artists. * * @param {Number} n * * @return {Array.} */ getMostPlayed(n = 6) { // Only non-unknown artists with actually play count are applicable. // Also, "Various Artists" doesn't count. const applicable = filter(this.all, artist => { return artist.playCount && !this.isUnknownArtist(artist) && !this.isVariousArtists(artist); }); return take(orderBy(applicable, 'playCount', 'desc'), n); }, };