expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); $media = new Media(); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); // Standard mp3 files under root path should be recognized $this->seeInDatabase('songs', [ 'path' => $this->mediaPath.'/full.mp3', // Track # should be recognized 'track' => 5, ]); // Ogg files and audio files in subdirectories should be recognized $this->seeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $this->mediaPath.'/subdir/back-in-black.ogg']); // GitHub issue #380. folder.png should be copied and used as the cover for files // under subdir/ $song = Song::wherePath($this->mediaPath.'/subdir/back-in-black.ogg')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($song->album->cover); // File search shouldn't be case-sensitive. $this->seeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $this->mediaPath.'/subdir/no-name.mp3']); // Non-audio files shouldn't be recognized $this->notSeeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $this->mediaPath.'/rubbish.log']); // Broken/corrupted audio files shouldn't be recognized $this->notSeeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $this->mediaPath.'/fake.mp3']); // Artists should be created $this->seeInDatabase('artists', ['name' => 'Cuckoo']); $this->seeInDatabase('artists', ['name' => 'Koel']); // Albums should be created $this->seeInDatabase('albums', ['name' => 'Koel Testing Vol. 1']); // Albums and artists should be correctly linked $album = Album::whereName('Koel Testing Vol. 1')->first(); $this->assertEquals('Koel', $album->artist->name); // Compilation albums, artists and songs must be recognized $song = Song::whereTitle('This song belongs to a compilation')->first(); $this->assertNotNull($song->artist_id); $this->assertTrue($song->album->is_compilation); $this->assertEquals(Artist::VARIOUS_ID, $song->album->artist_id); $currentCover = $album->cover; $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); // Modified file should be recognized touch($song->path, $time = time()); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); $song = Song::find($song->id); $this->assertEquals($time, $song->mtime); // Albums with a non-default cover should have their covers overwritten $this->assertEquals($currentCover, Album::find($album->id)->cover); } /** @test */ public function songs_can_be_force_synced() { $this->expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); $media = new Media(); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); // Make some modification to the records $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $originalTitle = $song->title; $originalLyrics = $song->lyrics; $song->update([ 'title' => "It's John Cena!", 'lyrics' => 'Booom Wroooom', ]); // Resync without forcing $media->sync($this->mediaPath); // Validate that the changes are not lost $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $this->assertEquals("It's John Cena!", $song->title); $this->assertEquals('Booom Wroooom', $song->lyrics); // Resync with force $media->sync($this->mediaPath, [], true); // All is lost. $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $this->assertEquals($originalTitle, $song->title); $this->assertEquals($originalLyrics, $song->lyrics); } /** @test */ public function songs_can_be_synced_with_selectively_tags() { $this->expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); $media = new Media(); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); // Make some modification to the records $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $originalTitle = $song->title; $song->update([ 'title' => "It's John Cena!", 'lyrics' => 'Booom Wroooom', ]); // Sync only the selective tags $media->sync($this->mediaPath, ['title'], true); // Validate that the specified tags are changed, other remains the same $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $this->assertEquals($originalTitle, $song->title); $this->assertEquals('Booom Wroooom', $song->lyrics); } /** @test */ public function all_tags_are_catered_for_if_syncing_new_file() { // First we sync the test directory to get the data $media = new Media(); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); // Now delete the first song. $song = Song::orderBy('id')->first(); $song->delete(); // Selectively sync only one tag $media->sync($this->mediaPath, ['track'], true); // but we still expect the whole song to be added back with all info $addedSong = Song::findOrFail($song->id)->toArray(); $song = $song->toArray(); array_forget($addedSong, 'created_at'); array_forget($song, 'created_at'); $this->assertEquals($song, $addedSong); } /** @test */ public function added_song_is_synced_when_watching() { $this->expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); $path = $this->mediaPath.'/blank.mp3'; (new Media())->syncByWatchRecord(new InotifyWatchRecord("CLOSE_WRITE,CLOSE $path")); $this->seeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $path]); } /** @test */ public function deleted_song_is_synced_when_watching() { $this->expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); $this->createSampleMediaSet(); $song = Song::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); (new Media())->syncByWatchRecord(new InotifyWatchRecord("DELETE {$song->path}")); $this->notSeeInDatabase('songs', ['id' => $song->id]); } /** @test */ public function deleted_directory_is_synced_when_watching() { $this->expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); $media = new Media(); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); $media->syncByWatchRecord(new InotifyWatchRecord("MOVED_FROM,ISDIR {$this->mediaPath}/subdir")); $this->notSeeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $this->mediaPath.'/subdir/sic.mp3']); $this->notSeeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $this->mediaPath.'/subdir/no-name.mp3']); $this->notSeeInDatabase('songs', ['path' => $this->mediaPath.'/subdir/back-in-black.mp3']); } /** @test */ public function html_entities_in_tags_are_recognized_and_saved_properly() { $getID3 = m::mock(getID3::class, [ 'analyze' => [ 'tags' => [ 'id3v2' => [ 'title' => ['水谷広実'], 'album' => ['小岩井こ Random'], 'artist' => ['佐倉綾音 Unknown'], ], ], 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'playtime_seconds' => 100, ], ]); $info = (new File(__DIR__.'/songs/blank.mp3', $getID3))->getInfo(); $this->assertEquals('佐倉綾音 Unknown', $info['artist']); $this->assertEquals('小岩井こ Random', $info['album']); $this->assertEquals('水谷広実', $info['title']); } /** @test */ public function hidden_files_can_optionally_be_ignored_when_syncing() { config(['koel.ignore_dot_files' => false]); $media = new Media(); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); $this->seeInDatabase('albums', ['name' => 'Hidden Album']); config(['koel.ignore_dot_files' => true]); $media->sync($this->mediaPath); $this->notSeeInDatabase('albums', ['name' => 'Hidden Album']); } }