import { shuffle, throttle } from 'lodash' import plyr from 'plyr' import { nextTick } from 'vue' import isMobile from 'ismobilejs' import { eventBus, isAudioContextSupported } from '@/utils' import { commonStore, preferenceStore as preferences, queueStore, recentlyPlayedStore, songStore, userStore } from '@/stores' import { audioService, socketService } from '@/services' import router from '@/router' /** * The number of seconds before the current song ends to start preload the next one. */ const PRELOAD_BUFFER = 30 const DEFAULT_VOLUME_VALUE = 7 const VOLUME_INPUT_SELECTOR = '#volumeInput' const REPEAT_MODES: RepeatMode[] = ['NO_REPEAT', 'REPEAT_ALL', 'REPEAT_ONE'] export const playbackService = { player: null as Plyr | null, volumeInput: null as unknown as HTMLInputElement, repeatModes: REPEAT_MODES, initialized: false, init () { // We don't need to init this service twice, or the media events will be duplicated. if (this.initialized) { return } this.player = plyr.setup('.plyr', { controls: [] })[0] this.volumeInput = document.querySelector(VOLUME_INPUT_SELECTOR)! this.listenToMediaEvents( if (isAudioContextSupported) { try { this.setVolume(preferences.volume) } catch (e) { } audioService.init( eventBus.emit('INIT_EQUALIZER') } this.setMediaSessionActionHandlers() this.listenToSocketEvents() this.initialized = true }, listenToSocketEvents () { socketService.listen('SOCKET_TOGGLE_PLAYBACK', () => this.toggle()) .listen('SOCKET_PLAY_NEXT', () => this.playNext()) .listen('SOCKET_PLAY_PREV', () => this.playPrev()) .listen('SOCKET_GET_STATUS', () => { const data = queueStore.current ? songStore.generateDataToBroadcast(queueStore.current) : { volume: this.volumeInput.value } socketService.broadcast('SOCKET_STATUS', data) }) .listen('SOCKET_GET_CURRENT_SONG', () => { socketService.broadcast( 'SOCKET_SONG', queueStore.current ? songStore.generateDataToBroadcast(queueStore.current) : { song: null } ) }) .listen('SOCKET_SET_VOLUME', ({ volume }: { volume: number }) => this.setVolume(volume)) }, setMediaSessionActionHandlers () { if (!navigator.mediaSession) { return } navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('play', () => this.resume()) navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('pause', () => this.pause()) navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('previoustrack', () => this.playPrev()) navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler('nexttrack', () => this.playNext()) }, listenToMediaEvents (mediaElement: HTMLMediaElement) { mediaElement.addEventListener('error', () => this.playNext(), true) mediaElement.addEventListener('ended', () => { if (commonStore.state.use_last_fm && userStore.current.preferences!.lastfm_session_key) { songStore.scrobble(queueStore.current!) } preferences.repeatMode === 'REPEAT_ONE' ? this.restart() : this.playNext() }) let timeUpdateHandler = () => { const currentSong = queueStore.current if (!currentSong) return if (!currentSong.play_count_registered && !this.isTranscoding) { // if we've passed 25% of the song, it's safe to say the song has been "played". // Refer to if (!mediaElement.duration || mediaElement.currentTime * 4 >= mediaElement.duration) { this.registerPlay(currentSong) } } const nextSong = if (!nextSong || nextSong.preloaded || this.isTranscoding) { return } if (mediaElement.duration && mediaElement.currentTime + PRELOAD_BUFFER > mediaElement.duration) { this.preload(nextSong) } } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { timeUpdateHandler = throttle(timeUpdateHandler, 3000) } mediaElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', timeUpdateHandler) }, get isTranscoding () { return isMobile.any && preferences.transcodeOnMobile }, registerPlay (song: Song) { recentlyPlayedStore.add(song) songStore.registerPlay(song) song.play_count_registered = true }, preload (song: Song) { const audioElement = document.createElement('audio') audioElement.setAttribute('src', songStore.getSourceUrl(song)) audioElement.setAttribute('preload', 'auto') audioElement.load() song.preloaded = true }, /** * Play a song. Because * * So many adventures couldn't happen today, * So many songs we forgot to play * So many dreams swinging out of the blue * We'll let them come true */ async play (song: Song) { document.title = `${song.title} ♫ Koel` this.player!.media.setAttribute('title', `${song.artist_name} - ${song.title}`) if (queueStore.current) { queueStore.current.playback_state = 'Stopped' } song.playback_state = 'Playing' // Manually set the `src` attribute of the audio to prevent plyr from resetting // the audio media object and cause our equalizer to malfunction. this.getPlayer().media.src = songStore.getSourceUrl(song) // We'll just "restart" playing the song, which will handle notification, scrobbling etc. // Fixes #898 if (isAudioContextSupported) { await audioService.getContext().resume() } await this.restart() }, showNotification (song: Song) { if (!window.Notification || !preferences.notify) { return } try { const notification = new window.Notification(`♫ ${song.title}`, { icon: song.album_cover, body: `${song.album_name} – ${song.artist_name}` }) notification.onclick = () => window.focus() window.setTimeout(() => notification.close(), 5000) } catch (e) { // Notification fails. // @link console.error(e) } navigator.mediaSession.metadata = new MediaMetadata({ title: song.title, artist: song.artist_name, album: song.album_name, artwork: [ { src: song.album_cover, sizes: '256x256', type: 'image/png' } ] }) }, async restart () { const song = queueStore.current! this.showNotification(song) // Record the UNIX timestamp the song starts playing, for scrobbling purpose song.play_start_time = Math.floor( / 1000) song.play_count_registered = false eventBus.emit('SONG_STARTED', song) socketService.broadcast('SOCKET_SONG', songStore.generateDataToBroadcast(song)) this.getPlayer().restart() try { await this.getPlayer() } catch (error) { // convert this into a warning, as an error will cause Cypress to fail the tests entirely console.warn(error) } }, /** * The next song in the queue. * If we're in REPEAT_ALL mode and there's no next song, just get the first song. */ get next () { if ( { return } if (preferences.repeatMode === 'REPEAT_ALL') { return queueStore.first } }, /** * The previous song in the queue. * If we're in REPEAT_ALL mode and there's no prev song, get the last song. */ get previous () { if (queueStore.previous) { return queueStore.previous } if (preferences.repeatMode === 'REPEAT_ALL') { return queueStore.last } }, /** * Circle through the repeat mode. * The selected mode will be stored into local storage as well. */ changeRepeatMode () { let index = this.repeatModes.indexOf(preferences.repeatMode) + 1 if (index >= this.repeatModes.length) { index = 0 } preferences.repeatMode = this.repeatModes[index] }, /** * Play the prev song in the queue, if one is found. * If the prev song is not found and the current mode is NO_REPEAT, we stop completely. */ async playPrev () { // If the song's duration is greater than 5 seconds and we've passed 5 seconds into it, // restart playing instead. if (this.getPlayer().media.currentTime > 5 && queueStore.current!.length > 5) { this.getPlayer().restart() return } if (!this.previous && preferences.repeatMode === 'NO_REPEAT') { await this.stop() } else { this.previous && await } }, /** * Play the next song in the queue, if one is found. * If the next song is not found and the current mode is NO_REPEAT, we stop completely. */ async playNext () { if (! && preferences.repeatMode === 'NO_REPEAT') { await this.stop() // Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain. } else { && await } }, /** * @param {Number} volume 0-10 * @param {Boolean=true} persist Whether the volume should be saved into local storage */ setVolume (volume: number, persist = true) { this.getPlayer().setVolume(volume) if (persist) { preferences.volume = volume } this.volumeInput.value = String(volume) }, mute () { this.setVolume(0, false) }, unmute () { preferences.volume = preferences.volume || DEFAULT_VOLUME_VALUE this.setVolume(preferences.volume) }, async stop () { document.title = 'Koel' this.getPlayer().pause() this.getPlayer().seek(0) if (queueStore.current) { queueStore.current.playback_state = 'Stopped' } socketService.broadcast('SOCKET_PLAYBACK_STOPPED') }, pause () { this.getPlayer().pause() queueStore.current!.playback_state = 'Paused' socketService.broadcast('SOCKET_SONG', songStore.generateDataToBroadcast(queueStore.current!)) }, async resume () { try { await this.getPlayer() } catch (error) { console.error(error) } queueStore.current!.playback_state = 'Playing' eventBus.emit('SONG_STARTED', queueStore.current) socketService.broadcast('SOCKET_SONG', songStore.generateDataToBroadcast(queueStore.current!)) }, async toggle () { if (!queueStore.current) { await this.playFirstInQueue() return } if (queueStore.current.playback_state !== 'Playing') { await this.resume() return } this.pause() }, /** * Queue up songs (replace them into the queue) and start playing right away. * * @param {?Song[]} songs An array of song objects. Defaults to all songs if null. * @param {Boolean=false} shuffled Whether to shuffle the songs before playing. */ async queueAndPlay (songs: Song[], shuffled = false) { if (shuffled) { songs = shuffle(songs) } await this.stop() queueStore.replaceQueueWith(songs) // Wait for the DOM to complete updating and play the first song in the queue. await nextTick() router.go('queue') await }, getPlayer () { return this.player! }, async playFirstInQueue () { queueStore.all.length && await } }