import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import { albumStore } from '@/stores' import factory from '@/__tests__/factory' import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import AlbumArtOverlay from './AlbumArtOverlay.vue' let album: Album new class extends UnitTestCase { private renderComponent () { album = factory('album') return this.render(AlbumArtOverlay, { props: { album } }) } protected test () { it('fetches and displays the album thumbnail', async () => { const mock = this.mock(albumStore, 'fetchThumbnail') mock.mockResolvedValue('https://localhost/thumb.jpg') const { html } = this.renderComponent() await this.tick(2) expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(album) expect(html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) it('displays nothing if fetching fails', async () => { const mock = this.mock(albumStore, 'fetchThumbnail', () => { throw new Error() }) const { html } = this.renderComponent() await this.tick(2) expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(album) expect(html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) } }