require('chai').should() import { cloneDeep, last } from 'lodash' import { songStore, albumStore, artistStore } from '../../stores' import artists from '../blobs/media' import interactions from '../blobs/interactions' describe('stores/song', () => { beforeEach(() => { artistStore.init(artists) }) describe('#init', () => { it('correctly gathers all songs', () => { songStore.state.songs.length.should.equal(14) }) it ('coverts lengths to formatted lengths', () => { songStore.state.songs[0] }) it('correctly sets albums', () => { songStore.state.songs[0] }) }) describe('#all', () => { it('correctly returns all songs', () => { songStore.all.length.should.equal(14) }) }) describe('#byId', () => { it('correctly gets a song by ID', () => { songStore.byId('e6d3977f3ffa147801ca5d1fdf6fa55e').title.should.equal('Like a rolling stone') }) }) describe('#byIds', () => { it('correctly gets multiple songs by IDs', () => { const songs = songStore.byIds(['e6d3977f3ffa147801ca5d1fdf6fa55e', 'aa16bbef6a9710eb9a0f41ecc534fad5']) songs[0].title.should.equal('Like a rolling stone') songs[1].title.should.equal("Knockin' on heaven's door") }) }) describe('#initInteractions', () => { beforeEach(() => songStore.initInteractions(interactions)) it('correctly sets interaction status', () => { const song = songStore.byId('cb7edeac1f097143e65b1b2cde102482') song.playCount.should.equal(3) }) }) describe('#syncUpdatedSong', () => { beforeEach(() => artistStore.init(artists)) const updatedSong = { id: "39189f4545f9d5671fb3dc964f0080a0", album_id: 1193, title: "I Swear A Lot", album: { id: 1193, arist_id: 1, artist: { id: 1, name: 'All-4-One' } } } it ('correctly syncs an updated song with no album changes', () => { songStore.syncUpdatedSong(cloneDeep(updatedSong)) songStore.byId('I Swear A Lot') }) it ('correctly syncs an updated song into an existing album of same artist', () => { const song = cloneDeep(updatedSong) song.album_id = 1194 song.album = { id: 1194, artist_id: 1, artist: { id: 1, name: 'All-4-One', }, } songStore.syncUpdatedSong(song) songStore.byId('And The Music Speaks') }) it ('correctly syncs an updated song into a new album of same artist', () => { const song = cloneDeep(updatedSong) song.album_id = 9999 song.album = { id: 9999, artist_id: 1, name: 'Brand New Album from All-4-One', artist: { id: 1, name: 'All-4-One' } } songStore.syncUpdatedSong(song) // A new album should be created... last(albumStore.all).name.should.equal('Brand New Album from All-4-One') // ...and assigned with the song. songStore.byId('Brand New Album from All-4-One') }) it ('correctly syncs an updated song into a new album of a new artist', () => { const song = cloneDeep(updatedSong) song.album_id = 10000 song.album = { id: 10000, name: "It's... John Cena!!!", artist_id: 10000, artist: { id: 10000, name: 'John Cena' } } songStore.syncUpdatedSong(song) // A new artist should be created... const lastArtist = last(artistStore.all)'John Cena') // A new album should be created const lastAlbum = last(albumStore.all)"It's... John Cena!!!") // The album must belong to John Cena of course! last(lastArtist.albums).should.equal(lastAlbum) // And the song belongs to the album. songStore.byId( }) }) })