import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import factory from '@/__tests__/factory' import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import { commonStore, queueStore } from '@/stores' import { screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/vue' import { playbackService } from '@/services' import QueueScreen from './QueueScreen.vue' new class extends UnitTestCase { private renderComponent (songs: Song[]) { queueStore.state.songs = songs this.render(QueueScreen, { global: { stubs: { SongList: this.stub('song-list') } } }) } protected test () { it('renders the queue', () => { this.renderComponent(factory('song', 3)) expect(screen.queryByTestId('song-list')).toBeTruthy() expect(screen.queryByTestId('screen-empty-state')).toBeNull() }) it('renders an empty state if no songs queued', () => { this.renderComponent([]) expect(screen.queryByTestId('song-list')).toBeNull() expect(screen.queryByTestId('screen-empty-state')).toBeTruthy() }) it('has an option to plays some random songs if the library is not empty', async () => { commonStore.state.song_count = 300 const fetchRandomMock = this.mock(queueStore, 'fetchRandom') const playMock = this.mock(playbackService, 'playFirstInQueue') this.renderComponent([]) await'playing some random songs')) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchRandomMock).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(playMock).toHaveBeenCalled() }) }) it('Shuffles all', async () => { const songs = factory('song', 3) this.renderComponent(songs) const playMock = this.mock(playbackService, 'queueAndPlay') await'Shuffle all. Press Alt/⌥ to change mode.')) await waitFor(() => expect(playMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs, true)) }) } }