import Router from '@/router' import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import { eventBus } from '@/utils' import factory from '@/__tests__/factory' import { screen, waitFor } from '@testing-library/vue' import { songStore, userStore } from '@/stores' import { playbackService } from '@/services' import { queueStore } from '@/stores' import { MessageToasterStub } from '@/__tests__/stubs' import PlaylistContextMenu from './PlaylistContextMenu.vue' new class extends UnitTestCase { private async renderComponent (playlist: Playlist, user: User | null = null) { userStore.state.current = user || factory('user', { id: playlist.user_id }) this.render(PlaylistContextMenu) eventBus.emit('PLAYLIST_CONTEXT_MENU_REQUESTED', { pageX: 420, pageY: 42 } as MouseEvent, playlist) await this.tick(2) } protected test () { it('edits a standard playlist', async () => { const playlist = factory('playlist') await this.renderComponent(playlist) const emitMock = this.mock(eventBus, 'emit') await'Edit…')) expect(emitMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('MODAL_SHOW_EDIT_PLAYLIST_FORM', playlist) }) it('edits a smart playlist', async () => { const playlist = factory.states('smart')('playlist') await this.renderComponent(playlist) const emitMock = this.mock(eventBus, 'emit') await'Edit…')) expect(emitMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('MODAL_SHOW_EDIT_PLAYLIST_FORM', playlist) }) it('deletes a playlist', async () => { const playlist = factory('playlist') await this.renderComponent(playlist) const emitMock = this.mock(eventBus, 'emit') await'Delete')) expect(emitMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('PLAYLIST_DELETE', playlist) }) it('plays', async () => { const playlist = factory('playlist') const songs = factory('song', 3) const fetchMock = this.mock(songStore, 'fetchForPlaylist').mockResolvedValue(songs) const queueMock = this.mock(playbackService, 'queueAndPlay') const goMock = this.mock(Router, 'go') await this.renderComponent(playlist) await'Play')) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(playlist) expect(queueMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs) expect(goMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('queue') }) }) it('warns if attempting to play an empty playlist', async () => { const playlist = factory('playlist') const fetchMock = this.mock(songStore, 'fetchForPlaylist').mockResolvedValue([]) const queueMock = this.mock(playbackService, 'queueAndPlay') const goMock = this.mock(Router, 'go') const warnMock = this.mock(MessageToasterStub.value, 'warning') await this.renderComponent(playlist) await'Play')) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(playlist) expect(queueMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(goMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(warnMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('The playlist is empty.') }) }) it('shuffles', async () => { const playlist = factory('playlist') const songs = factory('song', 3) const fetchMock = this.mock(songStore, 'fetchForPlaylist').mockResolvedValue(songs) const queueMock = this.mock(playbackService, 'queueAndPlay') const goMock = this.mock(Router, 'go') await this.renderComponent(playlist) await'Shuffle')) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(playlist) expect(queueMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs, true) expect(goMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('queue') }) }) it('warns if attempting to shuffle an empty playlist', async () => { const playlist = factory('playlist') const fetchMock = this.mock(songStore, 'fetchForPlaylist').mockResolvedValue([]) const queueMock = this.mock(playbackService, 'queueAndPlay') const goMock = this.mock(Router, 'go') const warnMock = this.mock(MessageToasterStub.value, 'warning') await this.renderComponent(playlist) await'Shuffle')) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(playlist) expect(queueMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(goMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(warnMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('The playlist is empty.') }) }) it('queues', async () => { const playlist = factory('playlist') const songs = factory('song', 3) const fetchMock = this.mock(songStore, 'fetchForPlaylist').mockResolvedValue(songs) const queueMock = this.mock(queueStore, 'queueAfterCurrent') const toastMock = this.mock(MessageToasterStub.value, 'success') await this.renderComponent(playlist) await'Add to Queue')) await waitFor(() => { expect(fetchMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(playlist) expect(queueMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs) expect(toastMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Playlist added to queue.') }) }) it('does not have an option to edit or delete if the playlist is not owned by the current user', async () => { const user = factory('user') const playlist = factory('playlist', { user_id: + 1 }) await this.renderComponent(playlist, user) expect(screen.queryByText('Edit…')).toBeNull() expect(screen.queryByText('Delete')).toBeNull() }) it('opens collaboration form', async () => { this.enablePlusEdition() const playlist = factory('playlist') await this.renderComponent(playlist) const emitMock = this.mock(eventBus, 'emit') await'Collaborate…')) expect(emitMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('MODAL_SHOW_PLAYLIST_COLLABORATION', playlist) }) } }