import { reactive } from 'vue' import { differenceBy, shuffle, unionBy } from 'lodash' import { arrayify } from '@/utils' import { http } from '@/services' import { songStore } from '@/stores' export const queueStore = { state: reactive<{ songs: Song[] }>({ songs: [] }), init (savedState: QueueState) { // don't set this.all here, as it would trigger saving state this.state.songs = songStore.syncWithVault(savedState.songs) if (!this.state.songs.length) { return } if (savedState.current_song) { songStore.syncWithVault(savedState.current_song)[0].playback_state = 'Paused' } else { this.all[0].playback_state = 'Paused' } }, get all () { return this.state.songs }, set all (songs: Song[]) { this.state.songs = songStore.syncWithVault(songs) this.saveState() }, get first () { return this.all[0] }, get last () { return this.all[this.all.length - 1] }, contains (song: Song) { return this.all.includes(reactive(song)) }, /** * Add song(s) to the end of the current queue. */ queue (songs: Song | Song[]) { this.unqueue(songs) this.all = unionBy(this.all, arrayify(songs), 'id') }, queueIfNotQueued (song: Song) { if (!this.contains(song)) { this.queueAfterCurrent(song) } }, queueToTop (songs: Song | Song[]) { this.all = unionBy(arrayify(songs), this.all, 'id') }, replaceQueueWith (songs: Song | Song[]) { this.all = arrayify(songs) }, queueAfterCurrent (songs: Song | Song[]) { songs = arrayify(songs) if (!this.current || !this.all.length) { return this.queue(songs) } // First we unqueue the songs to make sure there are no duplicates. this.unqueue(songs) const head = this.all.splice(0, this.indexOf(this.current) + 1) this.all = head.concat(reactive(songs), this.all) }, unqueue (songs: Song | Song[]) { songs = arrayify(songs) songs.forEach(song => (song.playback_state = 'Stopped')) this.all = differenceBy(this.all, songs, 'id') }, /** * Move some songs to after a target. */ move (songs: Song | Song[], target: Song) { const targetIndex = this.indexOf(target) const movedSongs = arrayify(songs) movedSongs.forEach(song => { this.all.splice(this.indexOf(song), 1) this.all.splice(targetIndex, 0, reactive(song)) }) this.saveState() }, clear () { this.all = [] }, indexOf (song: Song) { return this.all.indexOf(reactive(song)) }, get next () { if (!this.current) { return this.first } const index = this.indexOf(this.current) + 1 return index >= this.all.length ? undefined : this.all[index] }, get previous () { if (!this.current) { return this.last } const index = this.indexOf(this.current) - 1 return index < 0 ? undefined : this.all[index] }, get current () { return this.all.find(song => song.playback_state !== 'Stopped') }, async fetchRandom (limit = 500) { this.all = await http.get(`queue/fetch?order=rand&limit=${limit}`) return this.all }, async fetchInOrder (sortField: SongListSortField, order: SortOrder, limit = 500) { this.all = await http.get(`queue/fetch?order=${order}&sort=${sortField}&limit=${limit}`) return this.all }, saveState () { try { http.silently.put('queue/state', { songs: => }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } }