require('chai').should(); import queueStore from '../../stores/queue'; import artists from '../blobs/media'; let songs = artists[2].albums[0].songs; describe('stores/queue', () => { beforeEach(() => { queueStore.state.songs = songs; queueStore.state.current = songs[1]; }); describe('#all', () => { it('correctly returns all queued songs', () => { queueStore.all().should.equal(songs); }); }); describe('#first', () => { it('correctly returns the first queued song', () => { queueStore.first().title.should.equal('No bravery'); }); }); describe('#last', () => { it('correctly returns the last queued song', () => { queueStore.last().title.should.equal('Tears and rain'); }); }); describe('#queue', () => { beforeEach(() => { queueStore.state.songs = songs; }); let song = artists[0].albums[0].songs[0]; it('correctly appends a song to end of the queue', () => { queueStore.queue(song); queueStore.last().title.should.equal('I Swear'); }); it('correctly prepends a song to top of the queue', () => { queueStore.queue(song, false, true); queueStore.first().title.should.equal('I Swear'); }); it('correctly replaces the whole queue', () => { queueStore.queue(song, true); queueStore.all().length.should.equal(1); queueStore.first().title.should.equal('I Swear'); }); }); describe('#unqueue', () => { beforeEach(() => { queueStore.state.songs = songs; }); it('correctly removes a song from queue', () => { queueStore.unqueue(queueStore.state.songs[0]); queueStore.first().title.should.equal('So long, Jimmy'); // Oh the irony. }); it('correctly removes mutiple songs from queue', () => { queueStore.unqueue([queueStore.state.songs[0], queueStore.state.songs[1]]); queueStore.first().title.should.equal('Wisemen'); }); }); describe('#clear', () => { it('correctly clears all songs from queue', () => { queueStore.clear(); queueStore.state.songs.length.should.equal(0); }); }); describe('#current', () => { it('returns the correct current song', () => { queueStore.current().title.should.equal('So long, Jimmy'); }); it('successfully sets the current song', () => { queueStore.current(queueStore.state.songs[0]).title.should.equal('No bravery'); }); }); describe('#getNextSong', () => { it('correctly gets the next song in queue', () => { queueStore.getNextSong().title.should.equal('Wisemen'); }); it('correctly returns null if at end of queue', () => { queueStore.current(queueStore.state.songs[queueStore.state.songs.length - 1]); (queueStore.getNextSong() === null); }); }); describe('#getPrevSong', () => { it('correctly gets the previous song in queue', () => { queueStore.getPrevSong().title.should.equal('No bravery'); }); it('correctly returns null if at end of queue', () => { queueStore.current(queueStore.state.songs[0]); (queueStore.getPrevSong() === null); }); }); });