import { reactive } from 'vue' import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import factory from 'factoria' import { httpService } from '@/services' import { queueStore, songStore } from '.' let songs new class extends UnitTestCase { protected beforeEach () { super.beforeEach(() => { songs = factory('song', 3) queueStore.state.songs = reactive(songs) }) } protected test () { it('returns all queued songs', () => expect(queueStore.all).toEqual(songs)) it('returns the first queued song', () => expect(queueStore.first).toEqual(songs[0])) it('returns the last queued song', () => expect(queueStore.last).toEqual(songs[2])) it('queues to bottom', () => { const song = factory('song') queueStore.queue(song) expect(queueStore.all).toHaveLength(4) expect(queueStore.last).toEqual(song) }) it('queues to top', () => { const song = factory('song') queueStore.queueToTop(song) expect(queueStore.all).toHaveLength(4) expect(queueStore.first).toEqual(song) }) it('replaces the whole queue', () => { const newSongs = factory('song', 2) queueStore.replaceQueueWith(newSongs) expect(queueStore.all).toEqual(newSongs) }) it('removes a song from queue', () => { queueStore.unqueue(songs[1]) expect(queueStore.all).toEqual([songs[0], songs[2]]) }) it('removes multiple songs from queue', () => { queueStore.unqueue([songs[1], songs[0]]) expect(queueStore.all).toEqual([songs[2]]) }) it('clears the queue', () => { queueStore.clear() expect(queueStore.state.songs).toHaveLength(0) }) it.each<[PlaybackState]>([['Playing'], ['Paused']])('identifies the current song by %s state', state => { queueStore.state.songs[1].playback_state = state expect(queueStore.current).toEqual(queueStore.state.songs[1]) }) it('gets the next song in queue', () => { queueStore.state.songs[1].playback_state = 'Playing' expect([2]) }) it('returns undefined as next song if at end of queue', () => { queueStore.state.songs[2].playback_state = 'Playing' expect( }) it('gets the previous song in queue', () => { queueStore.state.songs[1].playback_state = 'Playing' expect(queueStore.previous).toEqual(queueStore.state.songs[0]) }) it('returns undefined as previous song if at beginning of queue', () => { queueStore.state.songs[0].playback_state = 'Playing' expect(queueStore.previous).toBeUndefined() }) it('fetches random songs to queue', async () => { const songs = factory('song', 3) const getMock = this.mock(httpService, 'get').mockResolvedValue(songs) const syncMock = this.mock(songStore, 'syncWithVault', songs) await queueStore.fetchRandom(3) expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('queue/fetch?order=rand&limit=3') expect(syncMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs) expect(queueStore.all).toEqual(songs) }) it('fetches random songs to queue with a custom order', async () => { const songs = factory('song', 3) const getMock = this.mock(httpService, 'get').mockResolvedValue(songs) const syncMock = this.mock(songStore, 'syncWithVault', songs) await queueStore.fetchInOrder('title', 'desc', 3) expect(getMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('queue/fetch?order=desc&sort=title&limit=3') expect(syncMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs) expect(queueStore.all).toEqual(songs) }) } }