import { clone } from 'lodash' import { screen } from '@testing-library/vue' import { expect, it } from 'vitest' import factory from '@/__tests__/factory' import { favoriteStore, playlistStore, queueStore } from '@/stores' import UnitTestCase from '@/__tests__/UnitTestCase' import { arrayify, eventBus } from '@/utils' import Btn from '@/components/ui/form/Btn.vue' import AddToMenu from './AddToMenu.vue' let songs: Song[] const config: AddToMenuConfig = { queue: true, favorites: true } new class extends UnitTestCase { private renderComponent (customConfig: Partial = {}) { songs = factory('song', 5) return this.render(AddToMenu, { props: { songs, config: Object.assign(clone(config), customConfig), showing: true }, global: { stubs: { Btn } } }) } protected test () { it('renders', () => { playlistStore.state.playlists = [ factory('playlist', { name: 'Foo' }), factory('playlist', { name: 'Bar' }), factory('playlist', { name: 'Baz' }) ] expect(this.renderComponent().html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) it.each<[keyof AddToMenuConfig, string | string[]]>([ ['queue', ['queue-after-current', 'queue-bottom', 'queue-top', 'queue']], ['favorites', 'add-to-favorites'], ])('renders disabling %s config', (configKey: keyof AddToMenuConfig, testIds: string | string[]) => { this.renderComponent({ [configKey]: false }) arrayify(testIds).forEach(id => expect(screen.queryByTestId(id)).toBeNull()) }) it.each<[string, string, MethodOf]>([ ['after current', 'queue-after-current', 'queueAfterCurrent'], ['to top', 'queue-top', 'queueToTop'], ['to bottom', 'queue-bottom', 'queue'] ])('queues songs %s', async (_: string, testId: string, queueMethod: MethodOf) => { queueStore.state.songs = factory('song', 5) queueStore.state.songs[2].playback_state = 'Playing' const mock = this.mock(queueStore, queueMethod) this.renderComponent() await expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs) }) it('adds songs to Favorites', async () => { const mock = this.mock(favoriteStore, 'like') this.renderComponent() await'add-to-favorites')) expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(songs) }) it('adds songs to existing playlist', async () => { const mock = this.mock(playlistStore, 'addSongs') playlistStore.state.playlists = factory('playlist', 3) this.renderComponent() await'add-to-playlist')[1]) expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalledWith(playlistStore.state.playlists[1], songs) }) it('creates playlist from selected songs', async () => { const emitMock = this.mock(eventBus, 'emit') this.renderComponent() await'New Playlist…')) expect(emitMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('MODAL_SHOW_CREATE_PLAYLIST_FORM', null, songs) }) } }