import Vue from 'vue'; import { reduce, each, find, union, difference, take, filter, orderBy } from 'lodash'; import { secondsToHis } from '../utils'; import stub from '../stubs/album'; import { songStore, artistStore } from '.'; export const albumStore = { stub, state: { albums: [stub], }, /** * Init the store. * * @param {Array.} artists The array of artists to extract album data from. */ init(artists) { // Traverse through the artists array and add their albums into our master album list. this.all = reduce(artists, (albums, artist) => { // While we're doing so, for each album, we get its length // and keep a back reference to the artist too. each(artist.albums, album => { this.setupAlbum(album, artist); }); return albums.concat(artist.albums); }, []); // Then we init the song store. songStore.init(this.all); }, setupAlbum(album, artist) { Vue.set(album, 'playCount', 0); Vue.set(album, 'artist', artist); Vue.set(album, 'info', null); this.getLength(album); return album; }, /** * Get all albums in the store. * * @return {Array.} */ get all() { return this.state.albums; }, /** * Set all albums. * * @param {Array.} value */ set all(value) { this.state.albums = value; }, byId(id) { return find(this.all, { id }); }, /** * Get the total length of an album by summing up its songs' duration. * The length will also be converted into a H:i:s format and stored as fmtLength. * * @param {Object} album * * @return {String} The H:i:s format of the album length. */ getLength(album) { Vue.set(album, 'length', reduce(album.songs, (length, song) => length + song.length, 0)); Vue.set(album, 'fmtLength', secondsToHis(album.length)); return album.fmtLength; }, /** * Add new album/albums into the current collection. * * @param {Array.|Object} albums */ add(albums) { albums = [].concat(albums); each(albums, a => { this.setupAlbum(a, a.artist) a.playCount = reduce(a.songs, (count, song) => count + song.playCount, 0); }); this.all = union(this.all, albums); }, /** * Add song(s) into an album. * * @param {Object} album * @param {Array.|Object} song */ addSongsIntoAlbum(album, songs) { songs = [].concat(songs); album.songs = union(album.songs ? album.songs : [], songs); each(songs, song => { song.album_id =; song.album = album; }); album.playCount = reduce(album.songs, (count, song) => count + song.playCount, 0); this.getLength(album); }, /** * Remove song(s) from an album. * * @param {Object} album * @param {Array.|Object} songs */ removeSongsFromAlbum(album, songs) { album.songs = difference(album.songs, [].concat(songs)); album.playCount = reduce(album.songs, (count, song) => count + song.playCount, 0); this.getLength(album); }, /** * Checks if an album is empty. * * @param {Object} album * * @return {boolean} */ isAlbumEmpty(album) { return !album.songs.length; }, /** * Remove album(s) from the store. * * @param {Array.|Object} albums */ remove(albums) { albums = [].concat(albums); this.all = difference(this.all, albums); // Remove from the artist as well each(albums, album => { artistStore.removeAlbumsFromArtist(album.artist, album); }); }, /** * Get top n most-played albums. * * @param {Number} n * * @return {Array.} */ getMostPlayed(n = 6) { // Only non-unknown albums with actually play count are applicable. const applicable = filter(this.all, album => { return album.playCount && !== 1; }); return take(orderBy(applicable, 'playCount', 'desc'), n); }, /** * Get n most recently added albums. * * @param {Number} n * * @return {Array.} */ getRecentlyAdded(n = 6) { const applicable = filter(this.all, album => !== 1); return take(orderBy(applicable, 'created_at', 'desc'), n); }, };