require('chai').should(); import songStore from '../../stores/song'; import albumStore from '../../stores/album'; import artists from '../blobs/media'; import interactions from '../blobs/interactions'; describe('stores/song', () => { beforeEach(() => { // This is ugly and not very "unit," but anyway. albumStore.init(artists); songStore.init(albumStore.all(), interactions); }); describe('#init', () => { it('correctly gathers all songs', () => { songStore.state.songs.length.should.equal(14); }); it ('coverts lengths to formatted lengths', () => { songStore.state.songs[0]; }); it('correctly sets albums', () => { songStore.state.songs[0]; }); }); describe('#all', () => { it('correctly returns all songs', () => { songStore.all().length.should.equal(14); }); }); describe('#byId', () => { it('correctly gets a song by ID', () => { songStore.byId('e6d3977f3ffa147801ca5d1fdf6fa55e').title.should.equal('Like a rolling stone'); }); }); describe('#byIds', () => { it('correctly gets multiple songs by IDs', () => { let songs = songStore.byIds(['e6d3977f3ffa147801ca5d1fdf6fa55e', 'aa16bbef6a9710eb9a0f41ecc534fad5']); songs[0].title.should.equal('Like a rolling stone'); songs[1].title.should.equal("Knockin' on heaven's door"); }); }); describe('#setInteractionStats', () => { it('correctly sets interaction status', () => { let song = songStore.byId('cb7edeac1f097143e65b1b2cde102482');; song.playCount.should.equal(3); }); }); });