import { without } from 'lodash' import { reactive } from 'vue' import { UploadFile, UploadStatus } from '@/config' import { httpService } from '@/services' import { albumStore, overviewStore, songStore } from '@/stores' import { eventBus, logger } from '@/utils' interface UploadResult { song: Song album: Album } export const uploadService = { state: reactive({ files: [] as UploadFile[] }), simultaneousUploads: 5, queue (file: UploadFile | UploadFile[]) { this.state.files = this.state.files.concat(file) this.proceed() }, remove (file: UploadFile) { this.state.files = without(this.state.files, file) this.proceed() }, proceed () { const remainingSlots = this.simultaneousUploads - this.getUploadingFiles().length if (remainingSlots <= 0) { return } for (let i = 0; i < remainingSlots; ++i) { const file = this.getUploadCandidate() if (file) { this.upload(file) } } }, getUploadingFiles () { return this.state.files.filter(file => file.status === 'Uploading') }, getUploadCandidate () { return this.state.files.find(file => file.status === 'Ready') }, async upload (file: UploadFile) { if (file.status === 'Uploading') { return } const formData = new FormData() formData.append('file', file.file) file.progress = 0 file.status = 'Uploading' try { const result = await'upload', formData, (progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => { file.progress = progressEvent.loaded * 100 / }) file.status = 'Uploaded' songStore.syncWithVault( albumStore.syncWithVault(result.album) overviewStore.refresh() this.proceed() // upload the next file window.setTimeout(() => this.remove(file), 1000) } catch (error: any) { logger.error(error) file.message = `Upload failed: ${error.response?.data?.message || 'Unknown error'}` file.status = 'Errored' this.proceed() // upload the next file } finally { this.checkUploadQueueStatus() } }, retry (file: UploadFile) { // simply reset the status and wait for the next process this.resetFile(file) this.proceed() }, retryAll () { this.state.files.forEach(this.resetFile) this.proceed() }, resetFile: (file: UploadFile) => { file.status = 'Ready' file.progress = 0 }, clear () { this.state.files = [] }, removeFailed () { this.state.files = this.state.files.filter(file => file.status !== 'Errored') }, checkUploadQueueStatus () { const uploadingFiles = this.state.files.filter(file => file.status === 'Uploading') if (uploadingFiles.length === 0) { eventBus.emit('UPLOAD_QUEUE_FINISHED') } }, getFilesByStatus (status: UploadStatus) { return this.state.files.filter(file => file.status === status) } }