require('chai').should(); import { cloneDeep, last } from 'lodash'; import { albumStore, artistStore } from '../../stores'; import { default as artists, singleAlbum, singleSong } from '../blobs/media'; describe('stores/album', () => { beforeEach(() => albumStore.init(cloneDeep(artists))); afterEach(() => albumStore.state.albums = []); describe('#init', () => { it('correctly gathers albums', () => { albumStore.state.albums.length.should.equal(7); }); it('correctly sets albums length', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0].length.should.equal(259.92); }); it('correctly sets album artists', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0]; }); }); describe('#all', () => { it('correctly returns all songs', () => { albumStore.all.length.should.equal(7); }); }); describe('#getLength', () => { it('correctly calculates an album’s length', () => { albumStore.getLength(albumStore.state.albums[6]); albumStore.state.albums[6].length.should.equal(1940.42); // I'm sorry… }); }); describe('#add', () => { beforeEach(() => { albumStore.add(cloneDeep(singleAlbum)); }); it('correctly adds a new album into the state', () => { last(albumStore.state.albums).id.should.equal(9999); }); it('correctly recalculates the length', () => { last(albumStore.state.albums).length.should.equal(300); }); it('correctly recalculates the play count', () => { last(albumStore.state.albums).playCount.should.equal(11); }); }); describe('#remove', () => { beforeEach(() => { albumStore.remove(albumStore.state.albums[0]); // ID 1193 }); it('correctly removes an album', () => { albumStore.state.albums.length.should.equal(6); }); }); describe('#addSongsIntoAlbum', () => { beforeEach(() => { albumStore.addSongsIntoAlbum(albumStore.state.albums[0], cloneDeep(singleSong)); }); it('correctly adds a song into an album', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0].songs.length.should.equal(2); }); it('correctly recalculates the play count', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0].playCount.should.equal(4); }); it ('correctly recalculates album length', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0].length.should.equal(359.92); }); }); describe('#removeSongsFromAlbum', () => { beforeEach(() => { albumStore.removeSongsFromAlbum(albumStore.state.albums[0], albumStore.state.albums[0].songs[0]); }); it('correctly removes a song from an album', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0].songs.length.should.equal(0); }); it('correctly recalculates the play count', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0].playCount.should.equal(0); }); it('correctly recalculates the length', () => { albumStore.state.albums[0].length.should.equal(0); }); }); });