'songs.title', 'track' => 'songs.track', 'length' => 'songs.length', 'created_at' => 'songs.created_at', 'disc' => 'songs.disc', 'artist_name' => 'artists.name', 'album_name' => 'albums.name', ]; private const VALID_SORT_COLUMNS = [ 'songs.title', 'songs.track', 'songs.length', 'songs.created_at', 'artists.name', 'albums.name', ]; public function inDirectory(string $path): static { // Make sure the path ends with a directory separator. $path = rtrim(trim($path), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; return $this->where('path', 'LIKE', "$path%"); } public function withMetaFor(User $user, bool $requiresInteractions = false): static { $joinClosure = static function (JoinClause $join) use ($user): void { $join->on('interactions.song_id', '=', 'songs.id')->where('interactions.user_id', $user->id); }; return $this ->with('artist', 'album', 'album.artist') ->when($requiresInteractions, static fn (self $query) => $query->join('interactions', $joinClosure)) ->unless($requiresInteractions, static fn (self $query) => $query->leftJoin('interactions', $joinClosure)) ->join('albums', 'songs.album_id', '=', 'albums.id') ->join('artists', 'songs.artist_id', '=', 'artists.id') ->select( 'songs.*', 'albums.name', 'artists.name', 'interactions.liked', 'interactions.play_count' ); } public function accessibleBy(User $user, bool $withTableName = true): static { if (License::isCommunity()) { // In the Community Edition, all songs are accessible by all users. return $this; } return $this->where(static function (Builder $query) use ($user, $withTableName): void { $query->where(($withTableName ? 'songs.' : '') . 'is_public', true) ->orWhere(($withTableName ? 'songs.' : '') . 'owner_id', $user->id); }); } public function sort(string $column, string $direction): static { $column = self::normalizeSortColumn($column); Assert::oneOf($column, self::VALID_SORT_COLUMNS); Assert::oneOf(strtolower($direction), ['asc', 'desc']); return $this->orderBy($column, $direction) ->when($column === 'artists.name', static fn (self $query) => $query->orderBy('albums.name') ->orderBy('songs.disc') ->orderBy('songs.track') ->orderBy('songs.title')) ->when($column === 'albums.name', static fn (self $query) => $query->orderBy('artists.name') ->orderBy('songs.disc') ->orderBy('songs.track') ->orderBy('songs.title')) ->when($column === 'track', static fn (self $query) => $query->orderBy('songs.disc') ->orderBy('songs.track')); } private static function normalizeSortColumn(string $column): string { return key_exists($column, self::SORT_COLUMNS_NORMALIZE_MAP) ? self::SORT_COLUMNS_NORMALIZE_MAP[$column] : $column; } public function hostedOnS3(): static { return $this->where('path', 'LIKE', 's3://%'); } }