import type { Ref } from 'vue' import { ref, watch } from 'vue' import { forceReloadWindow } from '@/utils' type RouteParams = Record type ResolveHook = (params: RouteParams) => Promise | boolean | void type RedirectHook = (params: RouteParams) => Route | string export interface Route { path: string screen: ScreenName params?: RouteParams redirect?: RedirectHook onResolve?: ResolveHook } type RouteChangedHandler = (newRoute: Route, oldRoute: Route | undefined) => any // @TODO: Remove support for hashbang (#!) and only support hash (#) export default class Router { public $currentRoute: Ref private readonly routes: Route[] private readonly homeRoute: Route private readonly notFoundRoute: Route private routeChangedHandlers: RouteChangedHandler[] = [] private cache: Map = new Map() constructor (routes: Route[]) { this.routes = routes this.homeRoute = routes.find(({ screen }) => screen === 'Home')! this.notFoundRoute = routes.find(({ screen }) => screen === '404')! this.$currentRoute = ref(this.homeRoute) watch( this.$currentRoute, (newValue, oldValue) => this.routeChangedHandlers.forEach(async handler => await handler(newValue, oldValue)), { deep: true, immediate: true, }, ) addEventListener('popstate', () => this.resolve(), true) } public static go (path: string | number, reload = false) { if (typeof path === 'number') { history.go(path) return } if (!path.startsWith('/')) { path = `/${path}` } if (!path.startsWith('/#')) { path = `/#${path}` } path = path.substring(1, path.length) location.assign(`${location.origin}${location.pathname}${path}`) reload && forceReloadWindow() } public async resolve () { if (!location.hash || location.hash === '#/' || location.hash === '#!/') { return Router.go(this.homeRoute.path) } const matched = this.tryMatchRoute() const [route, params] = matched ? [matched.route, matched.params] : [null, null] if (!route) { return this.triggerNotFound() } if ((await route.onResolve?.(params)) === false) { return this.triggerNotFound() } if (route.redirect) { const to = route.redirect(params) return typeof to === 'string' ? Router.go(to) : this.activateRoute(to, params) } return this.activateRoute(route, params) } public triggerNotFound = async () => await this.activateRoute(this.notFoundRoute) public onRouteChanged = (handler: RouteChangedHandler) => this.routeChangedHandlers.push(handler) public async activateRoute (route: Route, params: RouteParams = {}) { this.$currentRoute.value = route this.$currentRoute.value.params = params } private tryMatchRoute () { if (!this.cache.has(location.hash)) { for (let i = 0; i < this.routes.length; i++) { const route = this.routes[i] const matches = location.hash.match(new RegExp(`^#!?${route.path}/?(?:\\?(.*))?$`)) if (matches) { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(new URL(location.href.replace('#/', '')).search) this.cache.set(location.hash, { route, params: Object.assign(Object.fromEntries(searchParams.entries()), matches.groups || {}), }) break } } } return this.cache.get(location.hash) } }