|array $ids the array of IDs * @param string $key name of the primary key * * @throws Exception */ public static function deleteWhereIDsNotIn(array $ids, string $key = 'id'): void { $maxChunkSize = config('database.default') === 'sqlite-persistent' ? 999 : 65535; // If the number of entries is lower than, or equals to maxChunkSize, just go ahead. if (count($ids) <= $maxChunkSize) { static::whereNotIn($key, $ids)->delete(); return; } // Otherwise, we get the actual IDs that should be deleted… $allIDs = static::select($key)->get()->pluck($key)->all(); $whereInIDs = array_diff($allIDs, $ids); // …and see if we can delete them instead. if (count($whereInIDs) < $maxChunkSize) { static::whereIn($key, $whereInIDs)->delete(); return; } // If that's not possible (i.e. this array has more than maxChunkSize elements, too) // then we'll delete chunk by chunk. static::deleteByChunk($ids, $key, $maxChunkSize); } /** * Delete records chunk by chunk. * * @param array|array $ids The array of record IDs to delete * @param string $key Name of the primary key * @param int $chunkSize Size of each chunk. Defaults to 2^16-1 (65535) * * @throws Exception */ public static function deleteByChunk(array $ids, string $key = 'id', int $chunkSize = 65535): void { /** @var DatabaseManager $db */ $db = app(DatabaseManager::class); $db->beginTransaction(); try { foreach (array_chunk($ids, $chunkSize) as $chunk) { static::whereIn($key, $chunk)->delete(); } $db->commit(); } catch (Throwable $e) { $db->rollBack(); } } }