mediaCacheService = $mediaCacheService; $this->artisan = $artisan; $this->dotenvEditor = $dotenvEditor; $this->hash = $hash; $this->db = $db; $this->settingRepository = $settingRepository; } public function handle(): void { $this->comment('Attempting to install or upgrade Koel.'); $this->comment('Remember, you can always install/upgrade manually following the guide here:'); $this->info('📙 ' . config('koel.misc.docs_url') . PHP_EOL); if ($this->inNoInteractionMode()) { $this->info('Running in no-interaction mode'); } try { $this->maybeGenerateAppKey(); $this->maybeSetUpDatabase(); $this->migrateDatabase(); $this->maybeSeedDatabase(); $this->maybeSetMediaPath(); $this->maybeCompileFrontEndAssets(); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->error("Oops! Koel installation or upgrade didn't finish successfully."); $this->error('Please try again, or visit ' . config('koel.misc.docs_url') . ' for manual installation.'); $this->error('😥 Sorry for this. You deserve better.'); return; } $this->comment(PHP_EOL . '🎆 Success! Koel can now be run from localhost with `php artisan serve`.'); if (Setting::get('media_path')) { $this->comment('You can also scan for media with `php artisan koel:sync`.'); } $this->comment('Again, visit 📙 ' . config('koel.misc.docs_url') . ' for the official documentation.'); $this->comment( "Feeling generous and want to support Koel's development? Check out " . config('koel.misc.sponsor_github_url') . ' 🤗' ); $this->comment('Thanks for using Koel. You rock! 🤘'); } /** * Prompt user for valid database credentials and set up the database. */ private function setUpDatabase(): void { $config = [ 'DB_CONNECTION' => '', 'DB_HOST' => '', 'DB_PORT' => '', 'DB_DATABASE' => '', 'DB_USERNAME' => '', 'DB_PASSWORD' => '', ]; $config['DB_CONNECTION'] = $this->choice( 'Your DB driver of choice', [ 'mysql' => 'MySQL/MariaDB', 'pgsql' => 'PostgreSQL', 'sqlsrv' => 'SQL Server', 'sqlite-e2e' => 'SQLite', ], 'mysql' ); if ($config['DB_CONNECTION'] === 'sqlite-e2e') { $config['DB_DATABASE'] = $this->ask('Absolute path to the DB file'); } else { $config['DB_HOST'] = $this->anticipate('DB host', ['', 'localhost']); $config['DB_PORT'] = (string) $this->ask('DB port (leave empty for default)'); $config['DB_DATABASE'] = $this->anticipate('DB name', ['koel']); $config['DB_USERNAME'] = $this->anticipate('DB user', ['koel']); $config['DB_PASSWORD'] = (string) $this->ask('DB password'); } foreach ($config as $key => $value) { $this->dotenvEditor->setKey($key, $value); } $this->dotenvEditor->save(); // Set the config so that the next DB attempt uses refreshed credentials config([ 'database.default' => $config['DB_CONNECTION'], "database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.host" => $config['DB_HOST'], "database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.port" => $config['DB_PORT'], "database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.database" => $config['DB_DATABASE'], "database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.username" => $config['DB_USERNAME'], "database.connections.{$config['DB_CONNECTION']}.password" => $config['DB_PASSWORD'], ]); } private function inNoInteractionMode(): bool { return (bool) $this->option('no-interaction'); } private function inNoAssetsMode(): bool { return (bool) $this->option('no-assets'); } private function setUpAdminAccount(): void { $this->info("Let's create the admin account."); [$name, $email, $password] = $this->gatherAdminAccountCredentials(); User::create([ 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'password' => $this->hash->make($password), 'is_admin' => true, ]); } private function maybeSetMediaPath(): void { if (Setting::get('media_path')) { return; } if ($this->inNoInteractionMode()) { $this->setMediaPathFromEnvFile(); return; } $this->info('The absolute path to your media directory. If this is skipped (left blank) now, you can set it later via the web interface.'); // @phpcs-ignore-line while (true) { $path = $this->ask('Media path', config('koel.media_path')); if (!$path) { return; } if ($this->isValidMediaPath($path)) { Setting::set('media_path', $path); return; } $this->error('The path does not exist or not readable. Try again.'); } } private function maybeGenerateAppKey(): void { if (!config('app.key')) { $this->info('Generating app key'); $this->artisan->call('key:generate'); } else { $this->comment('App key exists -- skipping'); } } private function maybeSeedDatabase(): void { if (!User::count()) { $this->setUpAdminAccount(); $this->info('Seeding initial data'); $this->artisan->call('db:seed', ['--force' => true]); } else { $this->comment('Data seeded -- skipping'); } } private function maybeSetUpDatabase(): void { while (true) { try { // Make sure the config cache is cleared before another attempt. $this->artisan->call('config:clear'); $this->db->reconnect()->getPdo(); break; } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); $this->warn(PHP_EOL . "Koel cannot connect to the database. Let's set it up."); $this->setUpDatabase(); } } } private function migrateDatabase(): void { $this->info('Migrating database'); $this->artisan->call('migrate', ['--force' => true]); // Clear the media cache, just in case we did any media-related migration $this->mediaCacheService->clear(); } private function maybeCompileFrontEndAssets(): void { if ($this->inNoAssetsMode()) { return; } $this->info('Now to front-end stuff'); // We need to run several yarn commands: // - The first to install node_modules in the resources/assets submodule // - The second and third for the root folder, to build Koel's front-end assets with Mix. chdir('./resources/assets'); $this->info('├── Installing Node modules in resources/assets directory'); $runOkOrThrow = static function (string $command): void { passthru($command, $status); throw_if((bool) $status, InstallationFailedException::class); }; $runOkOrThrow('yarn install --colors'); chdir('../..'); $this->info('└── Compiling assets'); $runOkOrThrow('yarn install --colors'); $runOkOrThrow('yarn production --colors'); } /** @return array */ private function gatherAdminAccountCredentials(): array { if ($this->inNoInteractionMode()) { return [config(''), config(''), config('koel.admin.password')]; } $name = $this->ask('Your name', config('')); $email = $this->ask('Your email address', config('')); $password = $this->askForPassword(); return [$name, $email, $password]; } private function isValidMediaPath(string $path): bool { return is_dir($path) && is_readable($path); } private function setMediaPathFromEnvFile(): void { with(config('koel.media_path'), function (?string $path): void { if (!$path) { return; } if ($this->isValidMediaPath($path)) { Setting::set('media_path', $path); } else { $this->warn(sprintf('The path %s does not exist or not readable. Skipping.', $path)); } }); } }