import { differenceBy, orderBy, sampleSize, take, throttle } from 'lodash' import isMobile from 'ismobilejs' import { computed, provide, reactive, Ref, ref } from 'vue' import { playbackService } from '@/services' import { queueStore, songStore } from '@/stores' import { arrayify, eventBus, getPlayableProp, provideReadonly } from '@/utils' import { useRouter } from '@/composables' import { PlayableListConfigKey, PlayableListContextKey, PlayableListSortFieldKey, PlayablesKey, SelectedPlayablesKey, SongListFilterKeywordsKey, SongListSortOrderKey } from '@/symbols' import ControlsToggle from '@/components/ui/ScreenControlsToggle.vue' import SongList from '@/components/song/SongList.vue' import ThumbnailStack from '@/components/ui/ThumbnailStack.vue' export const useSongList = ( playables: Ref, context: PlayableListContext = {}, config: Partial = { sortable: true, reorderable: false, collaborative: false, hasCustomSort: false } ) => { const filterKeywords = ref('') config = reactive(config) context = reactive(context) const { isCurrentScreen, go } = useRouter() const songList = ref>() const isPhone = const selectedPlayables = ref([]) const showingControls = ref(false) const headerLayout = ref('expanded') const onScrollBreakpoint = (direction: 'up' | 'down') => { headerLayout.value = direction === 'down' ? 'collapsed' : 'expanded' } const duration = computed(() => songStore.getFormattedLength(playables.value)) const thumbnails = computed(() => { const playablesWithCover = playables.value.filter(p => getPlayableProp(p, 'album_cover', 'episode_image')) const sampleCovers = sampleSize(playablesWithCover, 20) .map(p => getPlayableProp(p, 'album_cover', 'episode_image')) return take(Array.from(new Set(sampleCovers)), 4) }) const getPlayablesToPlay = () => songList.value!.getAllPlayablesWithSort() const playAll = (shuffle: boolean) => { playbackService.queueAndPlay(getPlayablesToPlay(), shuffle) go('queue') } const playSelected = (shuffle: boolean) => playbackService.queueAndPlay(selectedPlayables.value, shuffle) const applyFilter = throttle((keywords: string) => (filterKeywords.value = keywords), 200) const onPressEnter = async (event: KeyboardEvent) => { if (selectedPlayables.value.length === 1) { await[0]) return } // • Only Enter: Queue to bottom // • Shift+Enter: Queues to top // • Cmd/Ctrl+Enter: Queues to bottom and play the first selected item // • Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Queue to top and play the first queued item event.shiftKey ? queueStore.queueToTop(selectedPlayables.value) : queueStore.queue(selectedPlayables.value) if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { await[0]) } go('queue') } const sortField = ref | null>((() => { if (!config.sortable) return null if (isCurrentScreen('Artist', 'Album')) return 'track' if (isCurrentScreen('Search.Songs', 'Queue', 'RecentlyPlayed')) return null return 'title' })()) const sortOrder = ref('asc') const sort = (by: MaybeArray | null = sortField.value, order: SortOrder = sortOrder.value) => { if (!config.sortable) return if (!by) return sortField.value = by sortOrder.value = order let sortFields: PlayableListSortField[] = arrayify(by) if (by === 'track') { sortFields = ['disc', 'track', 'title'] } else if (sortFields.includes('album_name') && !sortFields.includes('disc')) { sortFields.push('artist_name', 'disc', 'track', 'title') } else if (sortFields.includes('artist_name') && !sortFields.includes('disc')) { sortFields.push('album_name', 'disc', 'track', 'title') } playables.value = orderBy(playables.value, sortFields, order) } eventBus.on('SONGS_DELETED', deletedSongs => (playables.value = differenceBy(playables.value, deletedSongs, 'id'))) provideReadonly(PlayablesKey, playables, false) provideReadonly(SelectedPlayablesKey, selectedPlayables, false) provideReadonly(PlayableListConfigKey, config) provideReadonly(PlayableListContextKey, context) provideReadonly(PlayableListSortFieldKey, sortField) provideReadonly(SongListSortOrderKey, sortOrder) provide(SongListFilterKeywordsKey, filterKeywords) return { SongList, ControlsToggle, ThumbnailStack, songs: playables, config, context, headerLayout, sortField, sortOrder, duration, thumbnails, songList, selectedPlayables, showingControls, isPhone, onPressEnter, playAll, playSelected, applyFilter, onScrollBreakpoint, sort } }