import { each, map, difference, union } from 'lodash' import NProgress from 'nprogress' import { http } from '../services' import { alerts } from '../utils' export const favoriteStore = { state: { songs: [], length: 0, fmtLength: '' }, /** * All songs favorite'd by the current user. * * @return {Array.} */ get all () { return this.state.songs }, /** * Set all favorite'd songs. * * @param {Array.} value */ set all (value) { this.state.songs = value }, /** * Toggle like/unlike a song. * A request to the server will be made. * * @param {Object} song */ toggleOne (song) { // Don't wait for the HTTP response to update the status, just toggle right away. // This may cause a minor problem if the request fails somehow, but do we care? song.liked = !song.liked song.liked ? this.add(song) : this.remove(song) NProgress.start() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'interaction/like', { song: }, data => { // We don't really need to notify just for one song. resolve(data) }, r => reject(r)) }) }, /** * Add a song/songs into the store. * * @param {Array.|Object} songs */ add (songs) { this.all = union(this.all, [].concat(songs)) }, /** * Remove a song/songs from the store. * * @param {Array.|Object} songs */ remove (songs) { this.all = difference(this.all, [].concat(songs)) }, /** * Remove all favorites. */ clear () { this.all = [] }, /** * Like a bunch of songs. * * @param {Array.} songs */ like (songs) { // Don't wait for the HTTP response to update the status, just set them to Liked right away. // This may cause a minor problem if the request fails somehow, but do we care? each(songs, song => { song.liked = true }) this.add(songs) NProgress.start() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'interaction/batch/like', { songs: map(songs, 'id') }, data => { alerts.success(`Added ${songs.length} song${songs.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} into Favorites.`) resolve(data) }, r => reject(r)) }) }, /** * Unlike a bunch of songs. * * @param {Array.} songs */ unlike (songs) { each(songs, song => { song.liked = false }) this.remove(songs) NProgress.start() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {'interaction/batch/unlike', { songs: map(songs, 'id') }, data => { alerts.success(`Removed ${songs.length} song${songs.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} from Favorites.`) resolve(data) }, r => reject(r)) }) } }