getUploadDirectory($uploader); $targetFileName = $this->getTargetFileName($file, $uploader); $file->move($uploadDirectory, $targetFileName); $targetPathName = $uploadDirectory . $targetFileName; try { $result = $this->scanner->setFile($targetPathName)->scan( ScanConfiguration::make( owner: $uploader, makePublic: $uploader->preferences->makeUploadsPublic ) ); } catch (Throwable $e) { File::delete($targetPathName); throw new SongUploadFailedException($e->getMessage()); } if ($result->isError()) { File::delete($targetPathName); throw new SongUploadFailedException($result->error); } return $this->scanner->getSong(); } private function getUploadDirectory(User $uploader): string { return memoize(static function () use ($uploader): string { $mediaPath = Setting::get('media_path'); throw_unless((bool) $mediaPath, MediaPathNotSetException::class); $dir = sprintf( '%s%s__KOEL_UPLOADS_$%s__%s', $mediaPath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $uploader->id, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); File::ensureDirectoryExists($dir); return $dir; }); } private function getTargetFileName(UploadedFile $file, User $uploader): string { // If there's no existing file with the same name in the upload directory, use the original name. // Otherwise, prefix the original name with a hash. // The whole point is to keep a readable file name when we can. if (!File::exists($this->getUploadDirectory($uploader) . $file->getClientOriginalName())) { return $file->getClientOriginalName(); } return $this->getUniqueHash() . '_' . $file->getClientOriginalName(); } private function getUniqueHash(): string { return substr(sha1(uniqid()), 0, 6); } }