error('Unable to connect to database.'); $this->error('Please fill valid database credentials into .env and rerun this command.'); return; } $this->comment('Attempting to install or upgrade Koel.'); $this->comment('Remember, you can always install/upgrade manually following the guide here:'); $this->info('📙 '.config('koel.misc.docs_url').PHP_EOL); if (!config('app.key')) { $this->info('Generating app key'); Artisan::call('key:generate'); } else { $this->comment('App key exists -- skipping'); } if (!config('jwt.secret')) { $this->info('Generating JWT secret'); Artisan::call('koel:generate-jwt-secret'); } else { $this->comment('JWT secret exists -- skipping'); } $this->info('Migrating database'); Artisan::call('migrate', ['--force' => true]); // Clean the media cache, just in case we did any media-related migration MediaCache::clear(); if (!User::count()) { $this->info('Seeding initial data'); Artisan::call('db:seed', ['--force' => true]); } else { $this->comment('Data seeded -- skipping'); } $this->info('Executing yarn install, gulp and whatnot'); system('yarn install'); $this->comment(PHP_EOL.'🎆 Success! You can now run Koel from localhost with `php artisan serve`.'); $this->comment('Again, for more configuration guidance, refer to'); $this->info('📙 '.config('koel.misc.docs_url')); $this->comment('Thanks for using Koel. You rock!'); } }