disableMiddlewareForAllTests(); // ensure there's a default admin user create_admin(); } public function testStoringASong(): void { $this->post('api/os/s3/song', [ 'bucket' => 'koel', 'key' => 'sample.mp3', 'tags' => [ 'title' => 'A Koel Song', 'album' => 'Koel Testing Vol. 1', 'artist' => 'Koel', 'lyrics' => "When you wake up, turn your radio on, and you'll hear this simple song", 'duration' => 10, 'track' => 5, ], ])->assertSuccessful(); /** @var Song $song */ $song = Song::query()->where('path', 's3://koel/sample.mp3')->firstOrFail(); self::assertSame('A Koel Song', $song->title); self::assertSame('Koel Testing Vol. 1', $song->album->name); self::assertSame('Koel', $song->artist->name); self::assertSame('When you wake up, turn your radio on, and you\'ll hear this simple song', $song->lyrics); self::assertSame(10, (int) $song->length); self::assertSame(5, $song->track); } public function testRemovingASong(): void { $this->expectsEvents(LibraryChanged::class); Song::factory()->create([ 'path' => 's3://koel/sample.mp3', ]); $this->delete('api/os/s3/song', [ 'bucket' => 'koel', 'key' => 'sample.mp3', ]); self::assertDatabaseMissing(Song::class, ['path' => 's3://koel/sample.mp3']); } }