import isMobile from 'ismobilejs' import { reactive } from 'vue' import { httpService } from '@/services' import { playlistStore, preferenceStore, settingStore, themeStore, userStore } from '@/stores' interface CommonStoreState { allow_download: boolean cdn_url: string current_user: User current_version: string latest_version: string playlists: Playlist[] settings: Settings use_i_tunes: boolean use_last_fm: boolean use_spotify: boolean users: User[] use_you_tube: boolean, song_count: number, song_length: number } export const commonStore = { state: reactive({ allow_download: false, cdn_url: '', current_user: undefined as unknown as User, current_version: '', latest_version: '', playlists: [], settings: {} as Settings, use_i_tunes: false, use_last_fm: false, use_spotify: false, users: [], use_you_tube: false, song_count: 0, song_length: 0 }), async init () { Object.assign(this.state, await httpService.get('data')) // Always disable YouTube integration on mobile. this.state.use_you_tube = this.state.use_you_tube && ! // If this is a new user, initialize his preferences to be an empty object. this.state.current_user.preferences = this.state.current_user.preferences || {} userStore.init(this.state.current_user) preferenceStore.init(this.state.current_user) playlistStore.init(this.state.playlists) settingStore.init(this.state.settings) themeStore.init() return this.state } }