$playables * @property ?SmartPlaylistRuleGroupCollection $rule_groups * @property ?SmartPlaylistRuleGroupCollection $rules * @property Carbon $created_at * @property bool $own_songs_only * @property Collection $collaborators * @property-read bool $is_collaborative * @property-read ?string $cover The playlist cover's URL * @property-read ?string $cover_path * @property-read Collection $folders */ class Playlist extends Model { use Searchable; use HasFactory; use HasUuids; protected $hidden = ['user_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at']; protected $guarded = []; protected $casts = [ 'rules' => SmartPlaylistRulesCast::class, 'own_songs_only' => 'bool', ]; protected $appends = ['is_smart']; protected $with = ['user', 'collaborators', 'folders']; public function playables(): BelongsToMany { return $this->belongsToMany(Playable::class) ->withTimestamps() ->withPivot('position') ->orderByPivot('position'); } public function user(): BelongsTo { return $this->belongsTo(User::class); } public function folders(): BelongsToMany { return $this->belongsToMany(PlaylistFolder::class, null, null, 'folder_id'); } public function collaborationTokens(): HasMany { return $this->hasMany(PlaylistCollaborationToken::class); } public function collaborators(): BelongsToMany { return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'playlist_collaborators')->withTimestamps(); } protected function isSmart(): Attribute { return Attribute::get(fn (): bool => (bool) $this->rule_groups?->isNotEmpty())->shouldCache(); } protected function ruleGroups(): Attribute { // aliasing the attribute to avoid confusion return Attribute::get(fn () => $this->rules); } protected function cover(): Attribute { return Attribute::get(static fn (?string $value): ?string => playlist_cover_url($value))->shouldCache(); } protected function coverPath(): Attribute { return Attribute::get(function () { $cover = Arr::get($this->attributes, 'cover'); return $cover ? playlist_cover_path($cover) : null; })->shouldCache(); } public function ownedBy(User $user): bool { return $this->user_id === $user->id; } public function inFolder(PlaylistFolder $folder): bool { return $this->folders->contains($folder); } public function getFolder(?User $contextUser = null): ?PlaylistFolder { return $this->folders->firstWhere( fn (PlaylistFolder $folder) => $folder->user->is($contextUser ?? $this->user) ); } public function getFolderId(?User $user = null): ?string { return $this->getFolder($user)?->id; } public function addCollaborator(User $user): void { if (!$this->hasCollaborator($user)) { $this->collaborators()->attach($user); } } public function hasCollaborator(User $collaborator): bool { return $this->collaborators->contains(static fn (User $user): bool => $collaborator->is($user)); } /** * @param Collection|array|Playable|array $playables */ public function addPlayables(Collection|Playable|array $playables, ?User $collaborator = null): void { $collaborator ??= $this->user; $maxPosition = $this->playables()->getQuery()->max('position') ?? 0; if (!is_array($playables)) { $playables = Collection::wrap($playables)->pluck('id')->all(); } $data = []; foreach ($playables as $playable) { $data[$playable] = [ 'position' => ++$maxPosition, 'user_id' => $collaborator->id, ]; } $this->playables()->attach($data); } /** * @param Collection|Playable|array $playables */ public function removePlayables(Collection|Playable|array $playables): void { if (!is_array($playables)) { $playables = Collection::wrap($playables)->pluck('id')->all(); } $this->playables()->detach($playables); } protected function isCollaborative(): Attribute { return Attribute::get( fn (): bool => !$this->is_smart && LicenseFacade::isPlus() && $this->collaborators->isNotEmpty() )->shouldCache(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function toSearchableArray(): array { return [ 'id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, ]; } }