import Vue from 'vue'; import ls from './services/ls'; import NProgress from 'nprogress'; const app = new Vue(require('./app.vue')); Vue.config.debug = false; Vue.use(require('vue-resource')); Vue.http.options.root = '/api'; Vue.http.interceptors.push({ request(r) { const token = ls.get('jwt-token'); if (token) { Vue.http.headers.common.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`; } return r; }, response(r) { NProgress.done(); if (r.status === 400 || r.status === 401) { if (r.request.method !== 'POST' && r.request.url !== 'me') { // This is not a failed login. Log out then. app.logout(); } } if (r.headers && r.headers.Authorization) { ls.set('jwt-token', r.headers.Authorization); } if ( && && > 10) { ls.set('jwt-token',; } return r; }, }); /** * Thor! Odin's son, protector of Mankind * Ride to meet your fate, your destiny awaits * Thor! Hlödyn's son, protector of Mankind * Ride to meet your fate, Ragnarök awaits */ app.$mount('body');