interaction = $interaction; } /** * Increase the number of times a song is played by a user. * * @return Interaction The affected Interaction object */ public function increasePlayCount(string $songId, User $user): Interaction { return tap($this->interaction->firstOrCreate([ 'song_id' => $songId, 'user_id' => $user->id, ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void { if (!$interaction->exists) { $interaction->liked = false; } ++$interaction->play_count; $interaction->save(); }); } /** * Like or unlike a song on behalf of a user. * * @return Interaction the affected Interaction object */ public function toggleLike(string $songId, User $user): Interaction { return tap($this->interaction->firstOrCreate([ 'song_id' => $songId, 'user_id' => $user->id, ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void { $interaction->liked = !$interaction->liked; $interaction->save(); event(new SongLikeToggled($interaction)); }); } /** * Like several songs at once as a user. * * @param array $songIds * * @return array the array of Interaction objects */ public function batchLike(array $songIds, User $user): array { return collect($songIds)->map(function ($songId) use ($user): Interaction { return tap($this->interaction->firstOrCreate([ 'song_id' => $songId, 'user_id' => $user->id, ]), static function (Interaction $interaction): void { if (!$interaction->exists) { $interaction->play_count = 0; } $interaction->liked = true; $interaction->save(); event(new SongLikeToggled($interaction)); }); })->all(); } /** * Unlike several songs at once. * * @param array $songIds */ public function batchUnlike(array $songIds, User $user): void { $this->interaction ->whereIn('song_id', $songIds) ->where('user_id', $user->id) ->get() ->each( static function (Interaction $interaction): void { $interaction->liked = false; $interaction->save(); event(new SongLikeToggled($interaction)); } ); } }